This present Labour government has been the most authoritarian Government the British people have had in living memory,and I speak as someone who has voted Labour all my life.
I shall vote them out next election.I want my freedoms protected not taken away.
I have a lot of time for the Conservative politician David Davis,who's just ruined his career,making a stand on the freedoms we have in this country,and are threatened not by wacko fundamentalist Muslims, but are own Democratically elected Government.
Waterboarding is Torture.Torture is Morally wrong,if we except that their is a universal Morality,and that we in the West try to adhere to it,then we should not be torturing people;not only is it wrong,but it's counter productive, breeds terrorist's and leaves you with unreliable intelligence,assuming you get any intelligence at all.
I'm sure the Viet cong either got no intelligence off Senator John mcain,or what they did get was useless.