Author Topic: Terrain Detail Vanishes  (Read 226 times)

Offline Edmo

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Terrain Detail Vanishes
« on: July 20, 2008, 12:33:04 PM »
New computer & AH download...  Here are the system details:

- 3.22 ghz AMD Dual Core 6400+
- 8 GB RAM
- GeForce 8800 GT video card w/512 RAM
- Vista Ultimate
- AH with AH High Def download
- All "eye-candy" sliders are at max...  Max on detail & max distance for ground objects.

No problems with loading and running AH.  Frame rates are always 59+.  No frame freezes etc...  However, ground object disappear when I climb above 1600' AGL.  These objects include:  Trees, GVs, roads, bridges, houses, and pretty much any other item if detail.

Any ideas on a fix?  It makes killing GVs problematic!


TIGER Squadron - "Embrace the Automation..."

Offline Yossarian

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Re: Terrain Detail Vanishes
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2008, 02:53:05 PM »
Check in your Aces High in-game Options menu.  I don't recall which section exactly, but I think it's in the "Graphics Options" bit.  In there, try adjusting the something something distance (sorry, I have no clue of its name, but it's to do with how far you can see, or something like that).

Also, try changing your visual mode things, by pressing "Shift + F1 [ or F2, F3, F4]".  A message will appear in the text buffer telling you which mode you've changed to, so just try that out.

Hope that helps,

Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o

Offline Edmo

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Re: Terrain Detail Vanishes
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2008, 03:45:45 PM »

You figured it out...  SHIFT + F1 fixed it... 

I've never messed with that in the past and I guess AH loaded with something other than "FULL VIS" selected.  Now I can see it all in detail with big frame rates...  Thanks!!!

TIGER Squadron - "Embrace the Automation..."