Author Topic: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please  (Read 18619 times)

Offline Zazen13

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #315 on: August 02, 2008, 01:26:25 PM »
ROFL, Zaz, .......2bighorn/barbossa/texture and many many other names has been around awhile, and he most frequents only the TA and DA..........

I was gonna comment on the stall Limiter thing.I just figured he was pulling your chain for a bit be honest I thought both of you was pulling each other's chains for about 2 or 3 pages of this thread.....

the reason you 2 probably never run across each other is the simple fact you both fly in different arenas and the TA and DA does not have no score keeping / stats posted like the other arenas ( EA / MA / LWA / AvsA )

Barbossa/2bighorn has taught and helped many an AH flyer in past 3 or 4 years.....

Well that explains a lot...He got into this because of my post saying 1 vs 1 Co-Alt Co-E duels exercise only a partial portion of the skill-sets needed to be really successful in the chaotic furballs of the MA. If he only every flies in the DA I could see how that might get him a bit defensive...Hehe
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 01:32:44 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #316 on: August 02, 2008, 01:28:31 PM »
Yeah TC. That was what I was thinking, since Zazen took part in 2 DFC nights and we even fought each other.

Really? What was your name then? It's none of my business but out of curiosity why do you change your name so much?

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #317 on: August 02, 2008, 01:38:55 PM »
That's exactly what I am talking about, that's stallfighting in the pure sense of it.

No, that's not what Badboy is saying. At that point all what you do is stalling. Stall fighting is more than that.

Well that explains a lot...He got into this because of my post saying 1 vs 1 Co-Alt Co-E duels exercise only a partial portion of the skill-set needed to be successful in the MA. If he only every flies in the DA I could see how that might get him a bit defensive...Hehe

I do venture in other arenas as well. I just prefer some over the others. I wasn't defensive either. I was pointing out your false statements.

If you want us to disapprove, you need valid arguments and/or you prove it in practice.

Offline Zazen13

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #318 on: August 02, 2008, 01:39:42 PM »
I was gonna comment on the stall Limiter thing.I just figured he was pulling your chain for a bit be honest I thought both of you was pulling each other's chains for about 2 or 3 pages of this thread.....

Actually, I haven't been pulling anyone's chain. I'm really, honestly interested in other's opinions and perspectives on these issues. I'm just a naturally curious person. The more viewpoints I can integrate into my thinking the more interesting and multifaceted air combat inwardly becomes to me.

I do however think it's more than a bit cheesy to misrepresent yourself as something your not in order to attempt to bait then argue using quotes truncated for the maximum effect of taking things out of context...;)
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #319 on: August 02, 2008, 01:54:10 PM »
No, that's not what Badboy is saying. At that point all what you do is stalling. Stall fighting is more than that.

I do venture in other arenas as well. I just prefer some over the others. I wasn't defensive either. I was pointing out your false statements.

If you want us to disapprove, you need valid arguments and/or you prove it in practice.

You're right, it is more than that, it's not stallfighting, it's angles and/or E fighting in some combination. In your examples, you can be stallfighting and E fighting and Angles fighting during the same single maneuver. That's no different than looking at a severed leg and saying, "That's not a LEG! that's some muscle cells, some tendons, a lot of skin cells, cartilage, bone etc. How can you possibly call that a leg!"...

The point being, not only are the definitions you have so broad they could mean almost anything, but you're then applying them to snapshots of a single 1 second phase of a maneuver and saying because of this single second phase this is an XXXX fight. My perspective is that of methodology. Of course every E fight has some angles or stallfighting components to it, it has to. If it didn't you'd never get an angle for a shot and kill the guy, the same is true of any technique. But, it doesn't change the fact that I was really just practicing the E fighting methodology and the other stuff was just incidental to that. Just in the same way as picking apart the components of a leg in isolation doesn't make the leg any less of a leg...Just because a leg has a bone in it, doesn't mean it's just a bone, it's still a leg...
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 02:03:13 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #320 on: August 02, 2008, 02:00:48 PM »
I do however think it's more than a bit cheesy to misrepresent yourself as something your not in order to attempt to bait

What did you expect me to do after you've said I must be doing something fundamentally wrong, or after your stall limiter comment?
My flying wasn't up for discussion, nor was yours. Our skills (or lack of it) won't change the fundamentals of air combat.


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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #321 on: August 02, 2008, 02:01:46 PM »
I'm just speaking for anyone generally. I have no clue who Bighorn is in the game, when he didn't even know if he had the stall limiter on/off I assumed he was fairly new. Everyone could improve probably though, so saying he's too good for someone to help improve is probably incorrect. Letting someone else watch your films is a great way to do that. I remember the first time I did that. I am right handed and intuitively knew turning left, into my body,  would be easier, but never really thought much about it. Someone watched some of my films once and showed me that anytime I turned right I would pull off the angle, then over-compensate too much, increase the loading and burn E unnecessarily...Had someone not brought that to my conscious attention I never would have thought twice about it or been able to correct it.

Show me where I said that he was "too good for someone to help improve" him.  Please don't put words in my mouth.  What I said was that there is a very small number of people who could actually offer suggestions to bighorn that would actually improve his game.

Offline Zazen13

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #322 on: August 02, 2008, 02:10:10 PM »
What did you expect me to do after you've said I must be doing something fundamentally wrong, or after your stall limiter comment?
My flying wasn't up for discussion, nor was yours. Our skills (or lack of it) won't change the fundamentals of air combat.


Umm, you need to go back and read dude. I only said that after you said everytime you missed a shot or stallfought you immediately died...Then when I asked why that is you really didn't seem to know exactly, so I suggested maybe you're doing something wrong if missing a shot or getting slow with someone equated to instant death for you and have someone look at some of your films for advice. I had no clue you were a permanent name switching DA King trying to bait me. I actually still have no clue who you are, nor do I really care. I was actually thinking you were a new player and was for the life of me trying to figure out why in the world missing a shot or getting into a stallfight would automatically equate to instant death...I had run out of ideas to help you with this conundrum so offered what little advice I had left. I was just trying to help what I assumed was a relatively new player by your comments to that point and the fact I didn't recognize your name...Had I known you're just someone getting their rocks off by playing the "stooge", I would have just told you to kiss my hairy, white arse and have been done with you right then and there, which is exactly what I am doing right here... ;)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 03:22:03 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #323 on: August 02, 2008, 02:21:46 PM »
Show me where I said that he was "too good for someone to help improve" him.  Please don't put words in my mouth.  What I said was that there is a very small number of people who could actually offer suggestions to bighorn that would actually improve his game.

Wow Donkey, chill buddy, since you are being anal retentive and splitting hairs here, let's have an English lesson. What I said was, "Everyone could improve probably though, so saying he's too good for someone to help improve is probably incorrect. I did not say he's too good for ANYONE to help improve, I said SOMEONE. Which means it doesn't take a better stick than you to look at a film and see something you may have missed. In my left turn/right turn example, the person who watched that film and noticed that mistake was not nearly as good as I am (I know, hard to believe anyone sucks worse than me, but it's true). That is why I said SOMEONE not anyone. You were implying that only a person better than this Bighorn dude could possibly look at a film and have some possibly helpful insights, stating there are very, very few people who could...That's just pure crap right there...I film people constantly, I always see people far better than me making mistakes and usually the same easily corrected mistakes over and over and over..
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 02:36:13 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #324 on: August 02, 2008, 02:35:41 PM »
Umm, you need to go back and read dude. I only said that after you said anytime you miss a shot or stallfight you immediately died...Then when I asked why that is you really didn't seem to know, so I suggested maybe you're doing something wrong if missing a shot or getting slow with someone equated to instant death for you and have someone look at some of your films for advice. I had no clue you were a permanent name switching DA King trying to bait me. I actually still have no clue who you are nor do I really care. I was actually thinking you were a new player and was for the life of me trying to figure out why in the world missing a shot or getting into a stallfight would equate to instant death...I was just trying to help what I assumed was a new player by your comments to that point and the fact I didn't recognize your name...

You can back pedal as much as you want. It doesn't matter who I am, what I do, or where and how I fly.

It all started with your reply to Widewing and your statements.
I'll list them here to refresh your memory:

Here's some examples that distinguish a duelling engagement from a MA flight.

There is no SA required.
There is no consideration needed for the careful balancing of the maximization of the strengths of one aircraft vs. the weaknesses of another.
There is very little consideration for E management required.
There is no need for cooperative tactics and communication.
There is no consideration required for ammunition conservation making good aim relatively unimportant as you can hose spray around and hope for lucky hits.
There is no consideration required for the adjustment of your flying to properly compensate for the state of your changing fuel-load.
There is no consideration for the exploitation of an initial energy advantage or negating an intial energy disadvantage.

I replied to those. Since your ego won't allow you being wrong, you went as far as redefining what widely accepted terminology means.
You even said I'm anal retentive for which I apologized to you in PM.

There really is no point arguing with you. The only reason why I discussed topic for so long is the fact that this is 'Help and Training' forum and I didn't want new players not familiar with air combat get wrong ideas.

Offline Zazen13

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #325 on: August 02, 2008, 02:45:27 PM »
It doesn't matter who I am, what I do, or where and how I fly.

Have fun, thank you for playing Aces High!  :aok
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline Badboy

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #326 on: August 02, 2008, 03:26:15 PM »
That's exactly what I am talking about, that's stallfighting in the pure sense of it.

That may be what you are talking about but as I previously explained, you are stall fighting when ever you are riding the edge of the envelope close to the stall, there is no "pure sense of it" you either are or you aren't. You seem to be trying to confine the term to an extreme point on what is a fairly wide region of the envelope. That could be why there is so many crossed wires in this thread.

Fighting at or near the corner speed is angles fighting because you still have the option, however imprudent, to convert E to angles and back again, even if it means getting below your corner speed.

Nope, fighting at or near corner speed could just as easily be angles or energy fighting, it has little to do with what speed you are at, however the decision to do one or the other would depend on a lot of factors including relative speed.

In my opinion, if you call any fight where at some point you're at or near stall speed or ideal corner speed a stallfight, you're practically involving absolutely anything other than flying straight and level or a pure high-speed pass.

Nope, and firstly the actual speed is irrelevant, and the quote above sounds as though you think that if you aren't on the edge of the stall, and thus stall fighting, then you must be "flying straight and level or a pure high-speed pass" but you are missing the huge region of the envelope in between. For instance, in a particular aircraft it may be that at 195mph it stalls at 5g, if you are flying close to 5g at that speed you are stall fighting, if you level off and fly at 1g you are flying straight and level, but what happens if you are at 195mph and fly at only 4g? You aren't stall fighting, and you aren't flying straight and level, there is a large region of the envelope in between you can't simply ignore it.

To put it another way a Pony's ideal corner speed is about ~275-300? You're telling my if I turn it to shoot at a plane at or below that speed I am stallfighting? 150 mph above stall speed? If that's the case I am ALWAYS stallfighting...;).

Ok, I can see two further misunderstandings in that quote. The last time I checked the corner velocity of the P-51D, clean, with 25% fuel at sea level was 256mph, now if you turn your aircraft to shoot at another, and if you are "at or below that speed" makes no difference to whether you are stall fighting or not. If you are below corner speed, you do have the option to stall fight, if you are above corner speed you don't. Whether you are stall fighting or not at that point depends on how much G you pull. If you are at corner speed and you pull close to 6g you will be stall fighting, but you could be at that same speed and choose to pull less than 6g, and you wouldn't be stall fighting.

The second misunderstanding is the fact that you seem to refer to the corner velocity as being above stall speed, "150 mph above stall speed?" it isn't, corner velocity is also at the stall speed, the 6g stall speed. It is possible to stall the aircraft at all speeds between corner velocity all the way down, that doesn't mean that if you are flying at those speeds you are automatically stall fighting, you are only stall fighting if you pull enough G to get close to the stall (the edge of the envelope) at that speed. What ever speed you are at, if you pull less G than that required to reach the edge of the envelope, you are not stall fighting.

Hope that helps.


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Offline Zazen13

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #327 on: August 02, 2008, 03:37:40 PM »
The second misunderstanding is the fact that you seem to refer to the corner velocity as being above stall speed, "150 mph above stall speed?" it isn't, corner velocity is also at the stall speed, the 6g stall speed. It is possible to stall the aircraft at all speeds between corner velocity all the way down, that doesn't mean that if you are flying at those speeds you are automatically stall fighting, you are only stall fighting if you pull enough G to get close to the stall (the edge of the envelope) at that speed. What ever speed you are at, if you pull less G than that required to reach the edge of the envelope, you are not stall fighting.

Hope that helps.


Ok, let me get this straight, if I blow through at 500 mph and pull 6 G's to come back around for another pass  I am stallfighting according to your definition?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 03:39:37 PM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline Bosco123

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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #328 on: August 02, 2008, 03:44:09 PM »
yep your mistaken.I was telling Dogg "That is Captian Jack Sparrow, to you, Savy? "

I do not recall 2bighorn attending any koth's in past couple year or year or 2
hehehe, I was wrong. I do know who Barbosa is now though, been fighting him for a couple of days now. <S>
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Re: Unofficial Trainers - Read This Please
« Reply #329 on: August 02, 2008, 04:28:14 PM »
Ok, let me get this straight, if I blow through at 500 mph and pull 6 G's to come back around for another pass  I am stallfighting according to your definition?

If you do that, you are neither on the stall line (lift limit line in the figure below) or pulling a sustainable turn in terms of energy loss.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 04:30:02 PM by Murdr »