Prepare yourself for the fight of your virtual life as you are thrown into the fury of the battle between the Red Air Force and the Luftwaffe! The Russians are determined the destroy the German radar complex. The Luftwaffe must do anything it can to stop them!
Mission Group:Winter Breakout 13.Mb Breakout contains two missions:
Red Storm-
AlliesFire, Ice and the Iron Cross-
AxisList of Allied Aircraft: List of Axis Aircraft: 40 IL-2s 16 190A-8s
24 LA-5s 16 110G-2s
20 Yak9Us 24 109G-6s
24 109G-14s
164 aircraft in total
I spent over a month on this one, making sure the fight was equal(the player's actions will determine the victor) and to make sure the battle "flows" instead of just one big furball. I'm very proud of this one and hope y'all enjoy it. It's a toughy. You better be on your toes and watching your back or death will come a'knockin'.
Recommended Settings:x3 ammo count (you will need it)
F3 (outside)view enabled
Tips:On runway, hit F3, then F8, then tap 8 on the num pad a few times to give you a nice high 6'oclock view of your plane. The runway is crowded at first, so it helps to see where you are going.
Hit Alt-I once. This will switch the icons from names(AI****) to plane types. This helps you to stay with your flight and know what you are fighting.
Installation instructions are included in the mission .zip folder, but if you've downloaded my Raiders mission, it is the same.
Salute and Check 6