Previously posted----
"and no disrespect to thoese mexicans that flew...
But try this go to mexico and tell them that you don't understand their language and you want them to speak english...see what that gets ya.
You really should try to leave your own back yard before offering opinions of which you really are not qualified to discuss, see the picture below
This picture was taken about a year ago when I was riding my bike with friends in Puerto Penasco Mexico. Yes, that is a sign in MEXICO in ENGLISH. so much for your silly point.
I can also tell you there were at least a hundred RVs, most of which were flying NASCAR, confederate, and American Flags. I can also tell you no Mexican had the knee jerk, "love it or leave" , tear it down, they are taking over, OMG we are loosing our country !!! reaction we have here.
But this will only surprise you if you have never traveled or otherwise had an opportunity to expand you limited horizons. As a member of the US Armed Forces, I traveled to Thailand, Phillipines, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, and ROC. All of which had signs in english seemingly all over the place as well as special "tourist" police to help out any foreigners. This includes Mexico. Of course you wouldn't know about this, since you probably never left west virginia, or a similar place. Even Saddam Hussein had the demonimation of his money in ENGLISH. I just find it shameful that we as the most powerful, richest country in the would cannot accomodate our neighbor and second largest trading partner, but the entire world at least tries to help and accomodate others.