Author Topic: 490th Battling Bulldogs recruiting  (Read 233 times)

Offline rogerdee

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490th Battling Bulldogs recruiting
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:36:13 PM »
Ok we are looking to expand our ranks  could you be the one we want.
we have a bomber wing a fighter wing and one guy in a tank :lol

Our squad is looking for full members preferably over 18 with a mic who are willing to fight as a unit
and take orders when given and make decidions when asked.
We fly for the bishops and like to bomb pork kill and destroy what ever we can and even go for a base capture.

If you are intrested look for us over the weekends our fearless leader is spaz0 with bcool as no2.
Or you can apply via our websight
490th battling bulldogs

it does what it says on the tin