Author Topic: A running wish list...  (Read 648 times)

Offline JHerne

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A running wish list...
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:14:55 AM »
As a video game designer and historical consultant to the gaming industry (Tesseraction Games, UbiSoft, MicroSoft) , I've played AH and really don't have too many complaints, so Bravo Zulu to HTC.

If I could have a wish list of ideas... in no order of preference...

1. Have an indicator that shows a GV turret position relative to the hull position. If your turret is turned 90 degrees, it sometimes takes a few seconds to figure out which way the vehicle is actually pointing. When you have to switch from one position to another to do that, it leaves you vulnerable.

2. Optical ranging system. Determining target range on most GVs involved using optical sights whose focus would provide the ranging. If a target is visually out of focus at 500 meters, focusing the optical sight on the target, bringing it into focus, sets the rough range. The entire process takes about 2-3 seconds to accomplish, and eliminates the guess work of ranging a target. This could be used as an adjunct to the existing targeting system, giving players the choice of which system to use.

3. Radar directed gunnery. Naval gunnery in WW2, initially, was optical, controlled by a fire control director on top of the ship who would range the target (same system as the GVs), and transmit that information to the turrets. Turrets also had individual, albeit less accurate, optics. Later on, naval radar was used to range a target. Perhaps selecting a target from the clipboard (which means ground targets), would automatically range the target which can then be zeroed in optically.

4. Naval targeting...the optics don't follow the muzzle elevation, they remain on the target, to allow for watching the fall of shot. For high elevation ranging (say, cruiser to shore batteries), you have to zoom back from the target to keep it in sight, and if the elevation is too high (more than 7-8K) it becomes lost on the bottom of the screen.

5. Aircraft: How about a Ki-100, A-26, B6N Jill, D4Y Judy (as late-war replacements for Val and Kate), Ju-52, He-111, Halifax, Beaufighter, Pe-2, J2M ?

6. GVs, Panther, T-34/85, King Tiger, Su-85, Su-100, JSU 152, Hummel, M8GMC, to bring some parity to the Tiger as a perk vehicle. The Tiger was an awesome vehicle, but the addition of a King Tiger, Panther, and T-34/85 would give some options. Each has its share of problems, King Tiger was slow and heavy, T-34/85 had good firepower but lacked armor against German 75mm and 88mm guns, etc...We could also use a DUKW, much faster than an LVT, able to carry more (say, 10 troops AND vehicle supplies), but poorly armored and armed. Therein lies the tradeoff.

7. Field artillery - 105mm, 155mm, towed with a GV. As mentioned in another thread, they're vulnerable and easily seen when in-intransit, but once set up, harder to spot (reduce the visual ground range to compensate for camo cover). Allow for a battery, similar to the formation option in bombers. Targeting can be done with grid ranging, called in by a forward spotter or FAC.

8. Independent naval vessels - a cruiser, destroyer, or even a freighter to bring supplies from one base to another. The ability to shell a base from offshore prior to an air attack has certain appeal, not to mention historical accuracy, without the potential of losing a carrier, which never operated that close to land. Players would need to cover the vessels to protect them, obviously. A freighter could act as a temporary spawn point, providing troops, supplies, and amphibious GVs until destroyed. Bring that frieghter into a port, and you can offload non-amphibious GVs like tanks, Jeeps, halftracks, etc.

9. The blackout/redout thing... I've got more than 3000 hours of flight time in everything from Cessna 140s to Fouga Magisters. I've pulled some serious Gs in my time, and I've never blacked out that quickly. It takes a few seconds for that to occur in a sustained hard turn or dive (unless you're pulling 7-8 instantly in an F-18/F-16 type aircraft), and I feel the blackout/redout rate is too fast. Just my humble opinion... It would certainly allow players to be more competitive. The good pilots will always work within the envelope, but the less experienced pilots should have a buffer. Not asking for alot, perhaps slow the closure by a second or two.

10. This last one might cause some angst...but there has to be a way to prevent spies and cheaters. We had an example a few days ago, where several zero-ranked players jumped into the gun positions of a CV group, and didn't fire on the players that were attacking. I think the CV commander, the person steering the group, should have the ability to remove a player from a position. I also think that players should not be allowed to move from one country to another at will...I think once you choose a country, you're in that country for a specified period of hour, 12 hours, 24 hours?

11. Increase the traverse rate of pintle mounted weapons...waist guns, GV turret MGs, anything not in a powered turret. A 150lb. man could move an MG34/42 on a pintle mount pretty fast. Most pintle mounts can't follow a low-level, in-range air target. In real life, you can...

On the historical side of things... numbers 1-7, I'm more than willing to provide whatever technical/historical data required. As a military historian by trade, I'm always prepared to support my ideas with usable data. So...if anyone from HTC likes these ideas, let me know. My 3000-volume library is at your disposal. I have access to flight data, ground data, ballistics and armor penetration data, reference drawings, historical photos, blah blah blah. In other words, I'm not just saying 'gimme gimme'. I can help make it happen. I can also provide



PS: One more thing I completely forgot...and this could be real fun...

Picking up ditched or bailed-out pilots!! How about a Storch, Piper Cub, PBY Catalina, Dornier Do-24, so that fellow squadmates could land and pick up a bailed out or ditched player, thereby allowing him to 'land' his kills? Sending a Dodo into enemy airspace to retrieve a downed pilot, thereby avoiding "You've been captured" is a definite must-have in my book. I mean, we fly unarmed Goon missions in support of taking bases, why not fly unarmed missions (or high-risk missions with poorly armed aircraft) to save a fellow squadmate?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 11:34:02 AM by JHerne »
Skunkworks AvA Researcher and
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Offline 10thmd

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 02:28:57 PM »
Probably one of the best wishlists I've seen so far. :aok
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Offline AirFlyer

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 04:13:48 PM »
A very nice list, the only flaw I saw with it is that you forgot to ask for the A6M3-22. :D
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Offline LuckyI3

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 04:21:48 PM »
Out standing List  :aok
If you can read this thank a teacher, if you can read this in English thank a Vet

Offline Yossarian

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 04:52:32 PM »
Excellent list  :aok


Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o

Offline Swatch

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 06:44:48 PM »
Great list,  :aok but I'd like to address a few of those.

4.  This is in there, next time you're in the guns, hit W or E keys...  I think that is what you're referring to.

10.  There is something like a 6hr lockout after swapping, but I'd be ok with longer, especially with the 2 latewar arenas.  Make it possible to fly with different countries on different arenas.   If you want to fly bish in blue and knights in orange, that would be a reasonable solution to me.  Just fly with your friends in those arenas.   Then you could possibly increase the lockout to up to one week.  I'm sure many will complain, but it also encourages development of allegiance to one's 'virtual country'.

That being said, I like all of those suggestions!
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Offline thndregg

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2008, 08:14:51 PM »
Outstanding, Jherne! <<S>> This game can only get better with a little homework.
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Offline Winks

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2008, 08:25:14 PM »
best wishlist by far  :aok  :aok

Offline stodd

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 08:30:20 PM »

1. Have an indicator that shows a GV turret position relative to the hull position. If your turret is turned 90 degrees, it sometimes takes a few seconds to figure out which way the vehicle is actually pointing. When you have to switch from one position to another to do that, it leaves you vulnerable.

2. Optical ranging system. Determining target range on most GVs involved using optical sights whose focus would provide the ranging. If a target is visually out of focus at 500 meters, focusing the optical sight on the target, bringing it into focus, sets the rough range. The entire process takes about 2-3 seconds to accomplish, and eliminates the guess work of ranging a target. This could be used as an adjunct to the existing targeting system, giving players the choice of which system to use.

Not meant to kill your ideas or anything but I have a problem with these two.

1. I understand what your saying and what your idea is but I think this is just part of the chalenge of gv'ing and I think its a good thing. Personally I always turn my turret back to facing the front of the tank before moving on just so I always know which way its facing.

2. Unless im understanding your wish wrong, I think your asking for a sort of auto rangeing system. Which would as you said eliminate the guess work of rangeing a target. I think this is an extremely bad idea because learning how to range a target before he can range you is the funnest part of tanking (personal opinion). Eliminate the guess work in rangeing and tank battles would be absoulutely no fun at all. There would be no skill involved at all. No offense meant.

I would like to see more tanks put into the game though,my top 3 in no specific order would be panther,most used sherman model in combat ( I dont know which model that would be) and the t34/85.

I like all the other idea's though. :aok

« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 08:42:29 PM by stodd »
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2008, 07:22:35 AM »
Side jumpers were stuck for 24 hours formerly.  Would be swell to bring it back.

Offline JHerne

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2008, 11:04:49 AM »
Hi Stodd,

Perhaps I should elaborate more...

In any WW2 tank, Shermans, Tigers, etc., there's always some kind of indicator that tells you the turret position relative to the hull position. In most cases, it was a simple clock-like affair that had two hands, one indicates the turret position, one indicates the hull position. This is to allow both the driver and gunner to be on the same page. If the clock shows noon, the turret is facing straight ahead, 9 or 3 o'clock the turret is 90 degrees to the hull.

This will make driving and gunning, something that was not required by a single person in reality, to be just a little easier, especially in moving gun battles.

The optics - again, this is based on historical equipment. Back in the day, I was involved with a game called Panzer Commander. It was pretty simple by today's standards (hey, I though Pong was the coolest thing at one time), but it used a fairly accurate representation of optical gunning. It's not an auto-lock by any means, but it does provide you with a rough range, generally within 25-50 meters, and you have to direct fall of shot from that point. A target was padlocked, much in the same way we do in flight mode, and an arrow appeared across the ranging grid on the bottom of the screen (the elevation was on the side). When the elevation of your weapon matched the approximate range of the target, the arrows overlapped. This was, by no means, designed to eliminate the fun of the game, but it was based on historical accuracy. This, to me anyway, seems to be in line with what HTC is doing with accurate flight models, etc...

At present, while the current GV targeting system works for those who use it, we've had to learn (and utilize) a system which is making targeting more difficult in the game than in reality.

You'll also notice that I mentioned adding it as a second targeting option, so those GVers who are already deadly with the existing system aren't losing anything.

I understand it's a game, and it's supposed to be fun, playable, etc...but I think we'd see more GV activity if the system were just a little easier - so long as it's kept within the realm of historical accuracy.

Just my opinion...

Skunkworks AvA Researcher and
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Offline macleod01

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2008, 06:30:00 PM »
Finally! A good wish with well researched ideas and practical ways to implement them, while keeping it historically correct!  :salute Sir
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Offline JHerne

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2008, 07:52:08 PM »
You're welcome...just hope someone on the bridge reads it!

Skunkworks AvA Researcher and
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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2008, 07:55:34 PM »
It's almost TOO good... Voss? :noid  :D

(great ideas btw)
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Offline BnZ

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Re: A running wish list...
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2008, 09:20:44 PM »
I agree on the Gs things to a degree.

Basically, right now in the game, having good controls at high-speed is little to no advantage, for two reasons.

1.Even planes known for getting stiff controls at speed-109s, Zekes, etc-only get them at very high speeds. WEll in excess of what can be achieved in level flight. So to get these airplanes into a speed envelope where they have reduced control authority, you pretty much must induce them to power dive, which thing will not be done by pilots who know their plane.

2. High-speed controls don't do you much good when you are sevelely limited by black out anyway.

"9. The blackout/redout thing... I've got more than 3000 hours of flight time in everything from Cessna 140s to Fouga Magisters. I've pulled some serious Gs in my time, and I've never blacked out that quickly. It takes a few seconds for that to occur in a sustained hard turn or dive (unless you're pulling 7-8 instantly in an F-18/F-16 type aircraft), and I feel the blackout/redout rate is too fast. Just my humble opinion... It would certainly allow players to be more competitive. The good pilots will always work within the envelope, but the less experienced pilots should have a buffer. Not asking for alot, perhaps slow the closure by a second or two."