Funny and fanciful as per usual Slip. However, it is not a good idea for AH. Keep up the comedy Sir, as it is enjoyed by many. PS-To the " We Hate Slipknot Posts Club"-Get a sense of humor and try a little fiber. I guarantee you will feel less cranky tomorrow.
i think we should just get rid of them....all he is, is a troll on a shade account.
But you're like the most frequent responder to my threads!What on earth would happen to the rest of your summer vacation without ole' slip?
You know your a dweeb when you love flight sims so much, you believe you can do it better and go start your own flight sim company.
(Image removed from quote.)
Why are you not banned yet?
To be frank with you fellas, I don't know why this hasn't happened yet--both in real life and in the near real life situation that we like to call Aces High II.Here's how it works...You're damaged. Shot up in a dogfight, perhaps took some flak fragments while flying over a CV, perhaps felt the wrath of the killshooter... Your plane is smoking. You're not gonna make it home. What do you do?Simple. You press a pair of keys and BANG! an airborne resupply pad appears in front of you like a giant flying carpet. (Okay, so it's made of concrete, but it's basically a flying carpet).It appears with an airspeed differential of a few mph from your plane, so you just slide the wounded bird in and in a few seconds, you're good as new. Repaired, reloaded, ready to fight indefinitely.Ships have drydocks, right.. So why the hell doesn't something so much smaller and less technically sophisticated have its equivalent? I have no idea. Engineers must be total idiots because this is the most obvious thing ever. A repair pad on the landing strip is so inconvenient and hard to get to (your plane is damaged, for god's sake, how can you be expected to get back there in time)--I don't know why they even bothered.Oh yeah, and it'll cost some perks, but just imagine the 'perk' of seeing your enemy almost kill you and then come right back with a mint condition plane?That would be hype.Engineers are fools.
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.