Air guns that are replica firearmsThese are air guns that are not powerful enough to cause serious injury or death, but that were designed to resemble a real firearm with near precision. Replica firearms, except for replicas of antique firearms, are classified as prohibited devices.
We are going camping/fishing in Canada. I know they don’t allow firearms into Canada, but how about BB guns? If so, do they care if they look like an M-16 or a Win 94?
Just for grins count how many times they ask you if you brought something to "defend yourself".On the other hand the news both on the peninsula as well as West Canada (Vancouver Island) are all talking about the 5 human feet that have washed up on shore. Four on Vancouver Island and one on the Olympic Peninsula. DNA tests are being performed to see if they match any missing persons.
Just for grins count how many times they ask you if you brought something to "defend yourself".
Been proven to be a hoax.
What issue do they have with FOP (Fraternal Order of Police?) stickers?Or do I not have the right FOP...?