Author Topic: South Osetia under attack  (Read 112284 times)

Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1185 on: August 16, 2008, 05:59:51 PM »
We shoulda listened to Patton

True....but Boroda would still be the same delusional Boroda we know today, he'd still be denying the mass rapes in Germany and the Katyn massacres. He'd still be blaming the Finns for the fighting between the USSR and Finland.  :rofl
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Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1186 on: August 16, 2008, 06:01:16 PM »
That ranks right up there with your denial of the Katyn Forest massacres. Pol Pot was a Communist, Pol Pot was in charge during the Cold War, during the Cold War the USA fought against communists at every turn, we had no communist friends.

Nixon/Mao doesn't ring a bell? :D

Pol Pot was a last hope to fight Evil Vietnamese for you, loosers.

Offline SD67

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1187 on: August 16, 2008, 06:04:36 PM »
I don't for a second dishonour those that fought in Vietnam. My Father did two tours commanding an artillery battery. He was there when I was born, he was there when both of my sisters were born as well.
It was most definitely not a victory.
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Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1188 on: August 16, 2008, 06:05:20 PM »
Oh please, Vietnam was a joke. You pulled out because you were getting whipped.

We didn't lose on the battlefield. Public opinion had gone against the fighting in South Vietnam in large part due to the Tet Offensive of 68. Prior to that the generals and politicians had been saying things were almost wrapped up, then Tet happened and people no longer believed and just wanted out.

Congress even legislated against the promises that Nixon had made to the South Vietnamese after our combat troops left.

So no, we didn't get beaten on the battlefield, although I'd have to say we lost the political side of it.
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Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1189 on: August 16, 2008, 06:08:13 PM »
Nixon/Mao doesn't ring a bell? :D

Pol Pot was a last hope to fight Evil Vietnamese for you, loosers.

Nixon visiting China does not mean we were friends with them. As I recall, prior to the Nixon visit we barely had any diplomatic relations with the Chinese and Nixon's visit was intended to help start normal diplomatic relations.

Keep dreaming on Pol Pot.....because thats all it is for you, a lost pipe dream. Pol Pot and the Khymer Rouge had no hope of fighting and beating the Vietnamese forces, ever.
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Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1190 on: August 16, 2008, 06:08:39 PM »
Watching BBC now, they are marvelous. Even Georgian authorities don;'t report such hallucinations by themselves.

Russian soldier waving at British reporter said he's there to keep looters (marauders) away.

No indication where and when it was filmed, but Georgian police escorting Russian ZiL trucks full of soldiers is hillarious.

GE police was finally found somewhere and forced to perform it's job instead of traditional looting.


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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1191 on: August 16, 2008, 06:08:44 PM »

You lost 5 times more people in 5 years of involvement there then we did in 10 years in Afghan, lost thousands of ACs, employed millions of people there, CV groups and all things and got wiped out of there by underfed peasants. Underfed peasants who just 4 years after they wiped out collaborators won a war with China (!!!) and kicked Pol Pot out of Cambodia, another big friend of yours. And now live a nice and peacefull life without being milked my "liberators".

Compare it to Afghanistan, that was completely destroyed by your anoter puppet, Taliban, in the same 4 years after we have left. And then you still can't do anything there, Northern Allieance got weapons, ammo and advisors from Russia and even with such an assistance you still fail to control Kaboul and Bagram, while we controlled the whole country with less troops then you have there now.

You simply can't be brainwashed, I see it now :) Nothing to wash :(

I refuse to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

I'll let someone else correct you
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Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1192 on: August 16, 2008, 06:16:03 PM »
I don't for a second dishonour those that fought in Vietnam. My Father did two tours commanding an artillery battery. He was there when I was born, he was there when both of my sisters were born as well.
It was most definitely not a victory.

I salute to your Father, Hangtime and other Vietnam veterans.

One of the most impressive experiences I had was in Been Leigh (sp?) QLD, in an underground parking lot, where I smoked in bench where I saw some cig butts laying around. I policman or a security guard, I can't tell you, never seen AU police in 2 months, came to me and asked me to stop smoking, I said I am sorry and started to put out a cig against my sole, but he said no, let me show you a place where you can smoke. He had a medal band? sign? don't know a correct word, on his uniform, and when I asked - he said he was in Vietnam, so that's how I learned ANZAC have been to vietnam! I was really stunned... Such a sane country joining such an adventure...

Meanwhile BBC reporter keeps showing a GE map pathetically unable to correctly pronounce the town names...

Full moon and a lunar eclipse? may be that's a reason?

Offline Hangtime

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1193 on: August 16, 2008, 06:17:11 PM »
I refuse to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

I'll let someone else correct you

I do enjoy laughing at the guy... only humorous part of the georgian tragedy is the comical prostylising of a commie denyed martyrdom for the rodina.
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Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1194 on: August 16, 2008, 06:17:59 PM »
I refuse to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

I'll let someone else correct you

Showing him the correct facts does no good anyways should know that. ;)
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1195 on: August 16, 2008, 06:24:29 PM »
I do enjoy laughing at the guy... only humorous part of the georgian tragedy is the comical prostylising of a commie denyed martyrdom for the rodina.

Tell me the last time you super warriors had a war on your own soil. Then STFU about my country. When Russians were dieing in 14-18 and 41-45 you just counted profits.

Watch the news from Iraq now. It's soothing, isn't it? All quiet in Baghdad, eh?

Georgian tragedy is a tragedy of a poor nation forced to face a superior force by their so-called masters who payed for military build-up when Georgian elders are starving.

Keep dancing on the bones. Nothing new for you guys.

Offline Hangtime

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1196 on: August 16, 2008, 06:31:41 PM »
Tell me the last time you super warriors had a war on your own soil. Then hugs about my country. When Russians were dieing in 14-18 and 41-45 you just counted profits.

Watch the news from Iraq now. It's soothing, isn't it? All quiet in Baghdad, eh?

Georgian tragedy is a tragedy of a poor nation forced to face a superior force by their so-called masters who payed for military build-up when Georgian elders are starving.

Keep dancing on the bones. Nothing new for you guys.

Nothing quite as satisfying as a fine Commie Cuban Missile Crisis Cigar, followed by a well served Russian Whine.

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline SD67

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1197 on: August 16, 2008, 06:34:07 PM »
Now the Cuban Missile Crisis was a superbly played piece of politics. :aok
The USA can claim that one for sure!
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Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1198 on: August 16, 2008, 06:39:12 PM »
Now the Cuban Missile Crisis was a superbly played piece of politics. :aok
The USA can claim that one for sure!

Khruschev's goal was to remove Jupiter missiles from European Turkey. They covered USSR up to Kiev and maybe even Moscow.

Goal achieved.

Seriously, when Nikita visited Bulgaria he was brought to Turkish border and they showed him where American missile positions were, so he went mad and ordered to put our own missiles on Cuba.

BTW, Cuba is still independent only because of an agreement reached then.

Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1199 on: August 16, 2008, 06:56:32 PM »
When Russians were dieing in 14-18 and 41-45 you just counted profits.

Granted, America was very late to the party in the first World War, but we did make it. We also had men fighting and dieing in the second World War, so lets not act like America just sat back and did nothing.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.