Author Topic: South Osetia under attack  (Read 112251 times)

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1245 on: August 17, 2008, 10:50:49 AM »
Absolutely hillarious answer. Nemmersdorf was arranged by SS for Goebbels propaganda. It's a well-known fact. The only 'known" documented fact of Soviet rapes :D

I understand your attention to the first-hand account rape book. Where do you keep it? With old Playboys? Can you still open it or all the pages are glued together? Or you have a hardcover special edition on washable paper? :D

Do you discuss it with your wife if you have any?

Boroda you sound like a nincompoop. You know what a nincompoop is? Its a Russian dribbling nonsense in bad English. If your going to insult us then please use Russian instead. We may not understand it mind you but at least you wont sound like a 4'th grader.

I give some examples since you obviosly cant type "ww2 russian rapes" into a search engine your ownself, "or your Govt. censors dont allow such Internet investigations".

That the invading Russians raped German woman on a mass scale cant really be argued. While Stalin never issued a direct order to do so on several occasions he made light on the matter, once saying "you cant expect a young man to travel thru fire and death and not want a woman", or words to that effect. So his commanders proceeded under the impression Stalin approved of it, and no doubt he did.

There were plenty of dissenters, and, Russian soldiers who didnt rape anyone. The dissenters were quieted out of fear.

German woman learned survival skills. They would usually attach themselves to the highest ranking Russian they could find so's all the others would leave them alone. Another survival skill they learned was to never go out of the house without a child in tow. Any child, as long as it appeared to be theirs. The Russian mindset being very protective of children and respectful of motherhood, a very strange conflict of morality.

Mind you this was a victorious, superbly disciplined, army rolling into Berlin in May of 1945. Very probably the best army in the world at the time.

And compared to what happened on the eastern front the western front was a tea party as far as atrocities go. The invading Germans were absolutly ruthless with the Russians they came across. Russian POWs, the ones they didnt just shoot, were almost always starved to death while in captivity. It was, in many way, a complicated situation. And one full of hatreds we in the west will probably never understand.
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Offline SkyRock

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1246 on: August 17, 2008, 10:57:31 AM »
Boroda you sound like a nincompoop. You know what a nincompoop is? Its a Russian dribbling nonsense in bad English. If your going to insult us then please use Russian instead. We may not understand it mind you but at least you wont sound like a 4'th grader.

I give some examples since you obviosly cant type "ww2 russian rapes" into a search engine your ownself, "or your Govt. censors dont allow such Internet investigations".

That the invading Russians raped German woman on a mass scale cant really be argued. While Stalin never issued a direct order to do so on several occasions he made light on the matter, once saying "you cant expect a young man to travel thru fire and death and not want a woman", or words to that effect. So his commanders proceeded under the impression Stalin approved of it, and no doubt he did.

There were plenty of dissenters, and, Russian soldiers who didnt rape anyone. The dissenters were quieted out of fear.

German woman learned survival skills. They would usually attach themselves to the highest ranking Russian they could find so's all the others would leave them alone. Another survival skill they learned was to never go out of the house without a child in tow. Any child, as long as it appeared to be theirs. The Russian mindset being very protective of children and respectful of motherhood, a very strange conflict of morality.

Mind you this was a victorious, superbly disciplined, army rolling into Berlin in May of 1945. Very probably the best army in the world at the time.

And compared to what happened on the eastern front the western front was a tea party as far as atrocities go. The invading Germans were absolutly ruthless with the Russians they came across. Russian POWs, the ones they didnt just shoot, were almost always starved to death while in captivity. It was, in many way, a complicated situation. And one full of hatreds we in the west will probably never understand.

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Offline Baitman

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1247 on: August 17, 2008, 11:06:18 AM »
And compared to what happened on the eastern front the western front was a tea party as far as atrocities go. The invading Germans were absolutly ruthless with the Russians they came across. Russian POWs, the ones they didnt just shoot, were almost always starved to death while in captivity. It was, in many way, a complicated situation. And one full of hatreds we in the west will probably never understand.

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Offline Hangtime

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1248 on: August 17, 2008, 11:26:23 AM »
Bush, Putin, Sarkozy and Brown assembled for a conference. After days of conferring they decided to take a break — they would go to India to catch elephants.

Well, they did, and the very first day, towards nightfall, they caught an elephant. Now, what were they to do with it? They decided to tie it to a tree and agreed to take turns in guarding it.

The first on guard was President Bush. He stood guard for two hours, woke Sarkozy, then went to sleep. Sarkozy stood guard for two hours, woke Brown, then went to sleep. Brown stood guard for two hours, woke Putin, then went to sleep. Putin went to sleep too.

In the morning they woke up and there was no elephant.

'Where's the elephant?' they ask Putin.

'What elephant?'

'What do you mean "What elephant"?' The others are indignant. 'Did we come to India to catch elephants?'

'We did.'

'Did we catch an elephant?'

'We did.'

'Did we tie it to a tree?'

'We did.'

'Did we agree to take turns guarding it?'

'We did.'

'Did Bush stand guard?'

'He did.'

'Did he hand the elephant over to Sarkozy?'

'He did.'

'Did Sarkozy stand guard?'

'He did.'

'Did he hand the elephant over to Brown?'

'He did.'

'Did Brown stand guard?'

'He did.'

'Did he hand the elephant over to you?'

'He did.'

'Then, where is the elephant?'

'What elephant?'
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 12:00:31 PM by Hangtime »
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Offline WMLute

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1249 on: August 17, 2008, 12:12:08 PM »

R.J. Rummel

Professor Emeritus of Political Science. Has written over twenty-five books and a hundred articles, and has received numerous grants from NSF, ARPA, and the United States Peace Research Institute. Frequently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Received the Susan Strange Award of the International Studies Association for having intellectually most challenged the field in 1999; the Lifetime Achievement Award 2003 from the Conflict Processes Section, American Political Science Association; and the 2007 The International Association of Genocide Scholars' Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to the Field of Genocide and Democide Studies and Prevention.

R.J. Rummel is one of the most qualified and respected people on the planet when it comes to Genocide and Democide.

His website can be found HERE

This is what he said about Stalin.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
How Many Did Stalin Really Murder?

May Day is coming up, which used to be a day of celebration in the Soviet Union with an impressive show of weapons and infinitely long parade of soldiers. Perhaps, then, it would be appropriate to pay special attention on this day to the human cost of communism in this symbolic home of Marxism, and worldwide. This blog is on Stalin and the Soviet Union. I will post one on the overall cost of communism next week.

By far, the consensus figure for those that Joseph Stalin murdered when he ruled the Soviet Union is 20,000,000. You probably have come across this many times. Just to see how numerous this total is, look up “Stalin” and “20 million” in Google, and you will get 38,800 links. Not all settle just on the 20,000,000. Some links will make this the upper and some the lower limit in a range. Yet, virtually no one who uses this estimate has gone to the source, for if they did and knew something about Soviet history, they would realize that the 20,000,000 is a gross under estimate of what is likely the true human toll.

The figure comes from the book by Robert Conquest, The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties (Macmillan 1968). In his appendix on casualty figures, he reviews a number of estimates of those that were killed under Stalin, and calculates that the number of executions 1936 to 1938 was probably about 1,000,000; that from 1936 to 1950 about 12,000,000 died in the camps; and 3,500,000 died in the 1930-1936 collectivization. Overall, he concludes:

    Thus we get a figure of 20 million dead, which is almost certainly too low and might require an increase of 50 percent or so, as the debit balance of the Stalin regime for twenty-three years.

In all the times I've seen Conquest’s 20,000,000 reported, not once do I recall seeing his qualification attached to it.

Considering that Stalin died in 1953, note what Conquest did not include -- camp deaths after 1950, and before 1936; executions 1939-53; the vast deportation of the people of captive nations into the camps, and their deaths 1939-1953; the massive deportation within the Soviet Union of minorities 1941-1944; and their deaths; and those the Soviet Red Army and secret police executed throughout Eastern Europe after their conquest during 1944-1945 is omitted. Moreover, omitted is the deadly Ukrainian famine Stalin purposely imposed on the region and that killed 5 million in 1932-1934. So, Conquest’s estimates are spotty and incomplete.

I did a comprehensive overview of available estimates, including those by Conquest, and wrote a book, Lethal Politics, on Soviet democide to provide understanding and context for my figures. I calculate that the Communist regime, 1917-1987, murdered about 62,000,000 people, around 55,000,000 of them citizens (see Table 1.1 for a periodization of the deaths).

(Image removed from quote.)

As for Stalin, when the holes in Conquest’s estimates are filled in, I calculate that Stalin murdered about 43,000,000 citizens and foreigners, over twice Conquest’s total. Therefore, the usual estimate of 20 million killed in Soviet democide is far off for the Soviet Union per se, and even less than half of the total Stalin alone murdered.

But, these are all statistics and hard to grasp. Compare my total of 62,000,000 for the Soviet Union and 43,000,000 for Stalin to the death from slavery of 37,000,000 during the 16th to the 19th century; or to the death of from 25,000,000 to 75,000,000 in the Black Death (bubonic plague), 1347-1351, that depopulated Europe.

Another way of looking at this is that the annual risk of a person under Soviet control being murdered by the regime was 1 out of 222. But, compare -- the annual risk of anyone in the world dying from war was 1 out of 5,556, from smoking a pack of cigarettes a day was 1 out of 278, from any cancer was 1 out of 357, or for an American to die in an auto accident was 1 out of 4,167.

Now, I must ask, with perhaps an unconscious touch of outrage in my voice, why is this death by Marxism, so incredible and significant in its magnitude, unknown or unappreciated compared to the importance given slavery, cancer deaths, auto accident deaths, and so on. Especially, especially I must add again, when unlike cancer, auto accidents, and smoking, those deaths under Marxism in the Soviet Union were intentionally caused? They were murdered.

Anyway, when you see again the figure of 20,000,000 deaths for Stalin or the Soviet Union, double or triple them in your mind.

We owe respect to the living; to the dead we owe only truth
----Voltaire. Oeuvres Vol. I, p. 15n

« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 12:17:40 PM by WMLute »
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Offline Hangtime

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1250 on: August 17, 2008, 12:21:04 PM »
a comprehensive overview of available estimates, including those by Conquest, and wrote a book, Lethal Politics, on Soviet democide to provide understanding and context for my figures. I calculate that the Communist regime, 1917-1987, murdered about 62,000,000 people, around 55,000,000 of them citizens

Holy Crap!

staggers the mind...  and 55 million of them citizens. Anybody tell the ossets yet?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 12:23:13 PM by Hangtime »
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Offline AKIron

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1251 on: August 17, 2008, 12:23:41 PM »
Holy Crap!

staggers the mind...

Makes Hitler look benevolent in comparison.
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Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1252 on: August 17, 2008, 01:15:29 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)
R.J. Rummel is one of the most qualified and respected people on the planet when it comes to Genocide and Democide.

His website can be found HERE

This is what he said about Stalin.

We owe respect to the living; to the dead we owe only truth
----Voltaire. Oeuvres Vol. I, p. 15n

62 million?!

Is this guy nuts?!

62 million, then 27 million killed in a War, then why is still somebody living here?!

That schnobel prize nominee is a dumb diddly.

Official numbers are well-known, agreed by Western historians and they are 20 times smaller then this brainshit.

Offline Boroda

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1253 on: August 17, 2008, 01:16:52 PM »
See Rules #4, #5
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 10:30:03 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline AKIron

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1254 on: August 17, 2008, 01:23:04 PM »
See Rule #5
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 10:30:19 AM by Skuzzy »
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline gwano

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1255 on: August 17, 2008, 01:26:18 PM »
62 million?!

Is this guy nuts?!

62 million, then 27 million killed in a War, then why is still somebody living here?!

That schnobel prize nominee is a dumb mask.

Official numbers are well-known, agreed by Western historians and they are 20 times smaller then this brainpoop.

Comrade Boroda,
I can't speak for anyone else here on this forum, but you have sucessfully swayed my opinion towards the communist favor.

With that in mind, I would like to show my dedication to Vladimir Putin and the rest of the magnificent KGB/Empire by divulging some highly classified information as follows:

A rook CV has been spotted heading NW towards our knight base A26. a two pronged attack is planned with GV's from V24 spawning in as well.

The bishops are planning an NOE attack on our Knight base P14 and their CV group 23 will follow up shortly behind.
Please forward this to Vladimir at top priority.
                   (SELF APPOINTED)


Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1256 on: August 17, 2008, 01:29:48 PM »
See Rules #4, #5

Boroda you do realize you're committing a criminal slander and threat to another posters life there? It's obvious that you're a fanatic with zero respect to your fellow posters and from what I've gathered, humanity and western values in general.

The sad part is that Russia was slowly but surely becoming accepted as an equal partner with the western community. Your every action, including your posts alienate you again. In United Kingdom they're already talking about revoking visas from Russians - you're becoming a nation worth of persona non gratas. Fast.

It's like you're working hard to fullfill the stereotypes and myths surrounding your people..
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 11:04:34 AM by Skuzzy »
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Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1257 on: August 17, 2008, 01:30:17 PM »
Absolutely hillarious answer. Nemmersdorf was arranged by SS for Goebbels propaganda. It's a well-known fact. The only 'known" documented fact of Soviet rapes

What motive did the Germans have to stage that? The Germans may have been brutal in their war against the USSR and their brutality in the concentration camps vs lesser races is well documented.....yet they never showed that kind of brutality to their own.

Further, testimony from a former Soviet Captain, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, adds to the evidence of the behaviour of the Soviet Army.

The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau (Alfred Maurice de Zayas)

Berlin, The Downfall (Antony Beevor)

Allierte Kriegsverbrechen und Vebrechen gegen Menschlikeit (Allied war Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity - Arndt Verlag)

Verbrechen gegen der Deustchen Volk (Crimes against German people - Erich Kern)

Flucht aus Ostpreußen 1945. Die Menschenjagd der Roten Armee (Flight from East Prussia 1945: The pursue of the Red Army - Heinz Schoen)

Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen: Die Tragödie im Osten und im Sudetenland (Flight and Expulsions of the Germans: The tragedy in East and in Sudentenland - Joachim Nolywaika)

The End at Elbe (Das Ende an der Elbe - German) (Jurgen Thorwald)

Im Heimatland in Feindeshand: Schicksale ostpreußischer Frauen unter Russen und Polen 1945-1948 (Homeland in Enemy Hands: The fate of East Prussian Women under Russians and Poles in 1945-1948 - Heinz Shoen)

Of course, you won't actually read any of this stuff, you will just make poor attempts to discredit it.

It takes a pretty sick individual to suggest that someone might achieve sexual gratification over the mass rapes of women. Might I suggest psychiatric assistance comrade?
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Holden McGroin

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1258 on: August 17, 2008, 01:32:20 PM »
62 million?!

Is this guy nuts?!

62 million, then 27 million killed in a War, then why is still somebody living here?!

That schnobel prize nominee is a dumb mask.

Official numbers are well-known, agreed by Western historians and they are 20 times smaller then this brainpoop.

So Stalin only killed 2 million of his own people.  What a saint.
Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!

Offline Elfie

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Re: South Osetia under attack
« Reply #1259 on: August 17, 2008, 01:33:46 PM »
The sad part is that Russia was slowly but surely becoming accepted as an equal partner with the western community. Your every action, including your posts alienate you again. In United Kingdom they're already talking about revoking visas from Russians - you're becoming a nation worth of persona non gratas. Fast.

Well stated. The West wanted Russia to become an equal partner in the world community. By their own actions they are forcing themselves into persona non grata status.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 01:35:24 PM by Elfie »
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.