NASA has already paid off, i give you Velcro, among many other things.
The hook-loop fastener was invented in 1941 by Swiss engineer, George de Mestral who lived in Commugny, Switzerland.
Now Tang, that... wait the original orange flavored Tang was formulated by General Foods Corporation in 1957.
OK, Teflon... no, DuPont developed that in 1938...
What the hell did NASA spin off?
Scratch resistant lenses, golf ball areodynamic improvements, Dustbuster, shock-absorbing helmets, home security systems, smoke detectors, flat panel televisions, high-density batteries, trash compactors, food packaging and freeze-dried technology, cool sportswear, sports bras, hair styling appliances, fogless ski goggles, self-adjusting sunglasses, composite golf clubs, solid state cooler/warmers, ozone generators for pool cleaning w/no chemicals, Whale identification method, environmental analysis, noise abatement, pollution measuring devices, pollution control devices, smokestack monitor, radioactive leak detector, earthquake prediction system, sewage treatment, energy saving air conditioning, and air purification.Arteriosclerosis detection, ultrasound scanners, automatic insulin pump, portable x-ray device, invisible braces, dental arch wire, palate surgery technology, clean room apparel, implantable heart aid, MRI, bone analyzer, and cataract surgery tools.
among others.