Town pops up after capture: Side A takes a base after a good fight with side B. The town pops up. Side B may counter attack with jabos, fighters, and/or bombers to knock the town down and try and take it back.
Town stays down after capture: Side A takes a base after a good fight with side B. The town stays down. Side B sneaks M3s and/or C47s into town as it is already down.
I don't see how the town popping up avoids a fight. Please expand on your thoughts.
You new in AH? Here is how base capture is done in the MA AvA and all the other arenas. Not always, but I would say about 70% to 80% of the time. The rest would require more complicated code for attacking a base with huge numbers. I am not that good to write that now lol
while( side_A_attack_side_B() ){
If ( resistance ) {
catch( WhineEchecption e ){
printf("%s", e.what());