Author Topic: OK a new radical idea  (Read 91 times)

Offline senna

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OK a new radical idea
« on: December 26, 2000, 06:21:00 AM »
I wasnt sure if I should present this idea or not but after seeing the post on the number 33, I thought my post couldnt possibly be bad. So here it is.

Aircraft manufacturing plants:
This could be a way to prevent certain types of AC or all AC from being created. As we all know, this was an important target type during WWII. I'll leave the rest up the the producers to decide.

Remove the radar in the clipboard:
This is usefull in informing the pilot as to where the combat is taking place but also adds a feeling of "I aint alone" in the game. However (IMHO) my question is, does it provide too much precise information. In real, life th epilots were given vectors via their radio from operators. What about having a system where vectors and battle situation were given via simple text or voice and individual vectors given view a simple set of additional radio commands. Similar to Falcon 4.0's AWACs command sets etc... The text based "news messages" would inform of known combat situations and simple voice responses would provide vectoring information. I feel that this would provide the same basic information required and at the same time keeping the "feel" while creating a more dynamic environment for combat.

Decisions R probably the most important aspect of AC besides a predisposed situation. Anything that influences this in a direction that will provide a more "realistic" feeling in decision making would be more fun IMO. After all, we are all playing a World War II air combat simulator. For me, sometimes it's a game but most of the time, it's a simulator. I get off and I have fun  

The SUN:
I miss coming out of the sun to nail a spit in my fw-190 A-8 like in WB. Especially with such beautiful sunsets and sundowns and different lighting throughout the day.

Aces High is such a beautiful game. For me personally I have my own personal opinons about a few things but 95 percent of it all, I think it's the best game I have ever played. I dont even buy shrink wrapped games anymore because killing puter enemies is boring after a while. Killing puter enemies after all, is not very realistic  

-- senna