The jug is very simple to fly because the ROE to fly it effectively are so strict. It's is a matter of knowing what it can and can't do. It is not a ride for the undisciplined or the impatient. A light jug with is very dangerous low, better than a Hellcat IMHO because of views,toughness and guns. Also, the flaps pop out at 400 whereas most rides need 250 or under.
Think about this: Each 1/4 tank of gas=550lbs and 3400 rds of ammo =~ 1100lbs. With 1/2 gas you can get 3,400 fpm climb and give the K4 a run for it's money in a turny fight (still at a slight disadvantage) I haven't flown a fighter whose performance envelope changes so drastically with weight change. JUGS ROCK!