Author Topic: Film Recorder  (Read 86 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Film Recorder
« on: August 17, 2001, 06:31:00 PM »
Ok, I know u guys at HTC are all busy and workin' hard to satisfy us greedy customer's(muhaha  :D), but the little itty-bit's of bugs in film recorder is lasting pretty long without being fixed.. like the non-depiction external fuel tanks, non-depiction of enemy fire etc etc.. and is it only me? I seem to find film files are pretty much incompatible between versions..

 Like everything I suggest, it's just another non-priority issue  :) Just think it over.. The film recorder is something I like very much in Aces High.. and I would like it better upgraded and working good.

 Like maybe better POVs.. Other plane's POV, POV from certain place at ground... etc..

 Just give it a thought  :p