arden08s map (arden08s.res)
arden08s field setup files (arden08s.fla, arden08s.fld, and arden08s.pln)
the file contains all needed files to run mission.
Install instructions:
copy arden08s.res, arden08s.fla, arden08s.fld, and arden08s.pln to the ahiiterr directory
copy y29a.mis to the offmiss directory...
copy y29a.res to the missres directory...
i dont have the map to play this mission.
how do you get the map i copied all the files i just cant see the map. i can see the mission on the offline mission editor but the map isnt there.

can anyone help? i really want to try this mission! ive been looking for a Y29 mission anyway.[/quote]