Author Topic: Saitek X52 problems.  (Read 788 times)

Offline Bubbajj

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Saitek X52 problems.
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:09:49 PM »
The pinky button on my Saitek died so I went out and got another one. In windows, using the Saitek software, all the buttons respond and appear to function normally. In the game, I can't get the configuration to recognize certain buttons on the stick. Why would it recognize these buttons on my old stick but not on the new one? Am I missing something here? This has really complicated my setup because some of the buttons I need for certain functions had to be relocated or omitted all together. Any expanations for this?

Offline Newman5

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 10:09:38 PM »
The pinky button on my Saitek died so I went out and got another one. In windows, using the Saitek software, all the buttons respond and appear to function normally. In the game, I can't get the configuration to recognize certain buttons on the stick. Why would it recognize these buttons on my old stick but not on the new one? Am I missing something here? This has really complicated my setup because some of the buttons I need for certain functions had to be relocated or omitted all together. Any expanations for this?

What buttons are you referring to specifically?  I have a similar problem with my hats.  My main hat is ok, but the other two are only 4 way hats in the game.  Outside the game they are 8. 

Also, have some in my squad who use the slider as their zoom in/out.  But I can't set mine for that, the game won't let me.  Anyone have any ideas?
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Offline j500ss

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 10:44:50 PM »
Is it possible that you did not download the cd with your old stick? If you did download it with the new one then I found that you lose some of the buttons in AH. Like the scroll wheel on the throttle for example. I found out the hard way  :furious. But the only good thing about getting a new comp was , that I finally had all my buttons back on my X52, as I did not download the cd.
Thats my experience anyways

Offline Motherland

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 10:49:08 PM »
Is it possible that you did not download the cd with your old stick? If you did download it with the new one then I found that you lose some of the buttons in AH. Like the scroll wheel on the throttle for example. I found out the hard way  :furious
You could have uninstalled the drivers on your old computer....

I don't use Saitek's software. My X52 works just fine without it.

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2008, 04:41:37 AM »
i had the same problem that some functions didn't work (without SST), installed the SST and didn't like it so un-installed it then everything works now apart from the wheel on the back of the throttle.
install the SST then remove it and see what happens.

biggest problem i have now is in bomb site and external views the zoom dose not work properly.
i use "I" for zoom on/off and slider for zoom Laval. when i want to zoom in these views i have to set the slider to the amount i want to zoom then turn zoom on/off to adjust the zoom Laval.

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2008, 07:29:47 AM »
The pinky button on my Saitek died <SNIP Any expanations for this?

Bubba check to see if the drivers are current. IIRC the driver installation process goes through multiple recognition/installation phases before it's complete. Using the AH joystick set-up (not SST) you should be able to "see" your pinkie when you squeeze it. You didn't mention what you had it programmed for, previously.

Unless you have a fervent need of the throttle slider and rotaries for "bands" I'd just use the AH joystick setup for all assignments.

Hope that helps.

Offline 20mmrain

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2008, 02:19:08 PM »
       Check drivers make sure everything is loaded properly. Check USB connection. I had lots of problems with that controller. With it uncalibrated its self and the buttons not working...... Just everything you could imagine. I ended up getting a return from the company and reordering it. In the end after I got help from the company and some old squaddies setting it up, I just canned it and got my old controller back. I hear lots of people love there saitek but I also hear some people hate it.  In the end you half to ask yourself, If it costs so much but gives you nothing but problems is it worth it? If you keep having problems I'd find something else:) Sorry to be so bleak on it definitely try those first few things I talked about though before you junk it. Also Try downloading the direction from the Saitek websight there are things in there that are very helpful too.

Good Luck Bud
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2008, 04:33:52 PM »
My guess is your pinky latch is fine and its just your SST settings that are off. In order, at the top to the bottom left of each modes Xs you should have these mode control settings, in order left to right.

Mode 1+ Pinkie-Mode 2+Pinkie-Mode 3+pinkie, and then your settings for you modes + pinkie switch should be Mode 1-Mode 2-Mode 3.

My guess if you have set them to no fallback. Or simply have your mode settings wrong.
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Offline Bubbajj

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2008, 05:36:20 PM »
No, I physically broke the pinky switch. The little tab inslide that activated the actual switch broke off. I installed the drivers with the new stick. I suspect I'll need to uninstall them. Thanks for the help.

Offline Agent360

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2008, 07:12:50 PM »
Your problem is you have the old drivers installed. You have to totally remove ALL the drivers. Don't use the ones on the CD. Go to saiteks site and get what they have there. Intall the new drivers after you have removed ALL saitek stuff first. You have to start with a clean sytem first.

Second. You need to use the Saitek profile manager. If you set up a profile here first then all your functions will work. I have windows XP and use the profiler. I have no problems.

It is true that you CAN use only in game set up. But you won't be able map all the keys correctly. To some this does not matter because they dont use all the buttons anyway. But if you want ALL the buttons and dials to work you have to use the profiler.

Here is a link to my X52 profile.

Offline Bubbajj

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2008, 12:00:56 AM »
Sweet! thanks.

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2008, 04:39:14 PM »
Go to there websight and do the detailed removal. If your having issues then you have to get everything removed. Here...

Then I would do a cold boot and reinstall the fresh/current drivers.
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Offline bongaroo

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Re: Saitek X52 problems.
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2008, 02:01:16 PM »
And make sure it's getting enough power.  My X52 was horrible until I ran it into a powered USB hub.  After that it was getting enough consistant voltage to get good readings from the pots and all the lights and buttons worked properly.

Thats usually the first thing I tell anyone who has problems with a X52.  After that I'd look to drivers and from there I'm unsure what to tell you.
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