Author Topic: Diff. planes for diff. countries  (Read 178 times)

Offline janneh

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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« on: October 01, 1999, 07:25:00 AM »
Perhaps this isn't the most critical thing,
but I'd really like to see a "real" countries
with different plane set.
For example:

1. Russian
2. Usa/GB
3. Germany

Didn't like present system in that-other-online-sim and don't like it in AH either.



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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 1999, 08:31:00 AM »
The only current online "sim", if you can call it that that uses the diffenent planes for different countries is Fighter Ace by microsoft. To my knowledge no other sim is set up this way.

It really limits the plane availability and makes it unbalanced. Lets face it..some planes are better than others, especially where the bombers are concerned.

Also, from what I've heard they will have Italian planes in this kinda hard to take Italy as a "team" and accomplish anything with the limited planes available.

Germany, GB, and USA you could probably balance, but then you got no Jap planes, and no Italian planes.

You could possibly join a squad that flyes one particular type of plane, or one country of plane, I've seen several squads that fly like this. Might be the closest you get to your Ideal.  Unless you want to try Fighter Ace..386 DX 40 required 256k video memory and 16k ram    


Offline eagle20

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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 1999, 11:28:00 AM »
Actually, there is another game that has country based fighters (AW3).  They made an Axis vs. Allies arena for those who wanted to play it and it was a very big success.  The modelled the war in three parts.  Early war (39-41), middle war (42-43) and late war (44-45) with new planes being available each time the arena was set for the next part.  I Think it reset every 3 weeks.  Something like that works because it gives the Axis advantage early and the Allies advantage late.  Maybe something like that.  

However, I think this should be addressed when the game is finally up and running good.

gooru (Please don't shoot me up too bad)

Offline Kats

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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 1999, 04:50:00 PM »
You don't have top split it up by country, you can split it up by axis/allied.

Actually IMO, the technology was pretty even throughout the war. The only side ever having an extended advantage for more than a few months being the LW with the FWA series. They again took the crown with the FWD series and Me262.

To split the teams this way in a game is easier said than done though - especially late in the war with so many allied variants, you might see an uneven balance in the arena which is especially a problem in a smaller scale terrain.


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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 1999, 05:09:00 PM »
You are correct about the aw arenas, but they are RR arenas (YECH!), and if you look on any given night you will see that there is almost nobody flying in these arenas.

I have been flying in the FR Big Pac arena in aw3 for last 5 years or so myself, and just recently they removed all the Euro planes. No more 109's, no more 190's..bad move if you ask me. Havin more planes is just that much more fun.



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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 1999, 07:34:00 PM »
I absolutely 100% agree.  Bravo.  I have been flying AW for six years and WB since it came out.

I am sooooo tired of the "arena" thing.

I would whole-heartedly welcome a change to plane sets for certain countries.

A computer system could keep balance and not let too many players in any one country at any one time.


Richard Ordway

Offline janneh

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« Reply #6 on: October 02, 1999, 02:52:00 AM »
Yeah, there could be some axis/targets balance issues, but so did in RL ?
When 190 arrives, I bet there's many axis pilots too.Also all those Japanese zeros and KI-84's.
I think the balance could be quite equal after all... who knows.

But it could be worth to try.

Offline Flathat

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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 1999, 02:56:00 PM »
You could implement a "country planeset" system that addresses the "Italian question" from another post by substitution. For example, using the beta planesets:

Rooks: P-51D, Spit IX, (Tempest), (F4U)
Bishops: Bf 109G-10, (Fw 190), (MC 205)
Knights: LA-5FN

All countries (for now): B-17G, C-47, (B-26)

Knights maybe need another fighter. P-40E would be my suggestion  , but the host could "lend-lease"(tm) the P-51, Spit or Tempest (probably the latter, they need a good jabo there).

If you wanted to preserve a quasi-historical flavor, limit B-17G to Rooks.

Due to economic/demographic considerations, we probably won't be able to get an exact recreation that will please the historyniks (I have historynik tendencies  ). The "best answer for the greatest number" might be an "improved MA" implementation, with maybe 2 other arenas that are constantly running player-developed SLs of various flavors.


'Black Dahlia'
No10 RNAS "The Black Flight"
Angel on your wing, devil on your tail


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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 1999, 03:43:00 PM »
I would like to see maybe on a weekly basis at least a historical arena.  Where you have an allied side and an axis side.  You could have different themes each nite, BOB, BOG, Russian front using the appropriate terrain and planes of the time in question.
I'm sure it would be a great diversion from the ARENA concept.

Just an idea for the future, I think you guys have a great sim here and look forward to its further development.  

Offline Mark Luper

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Diff. planes for diff. countries
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 1999, 09:12:00 AM »
I think HA's (Historical Arenas) are great! I love em. But let's face it, the majority of players who fly these sims don't want the hassle of flying historically correct sorties. All the HA's I have seen implemented, and I admit that the ones I am familiar with are in WB and DOA, did real well for about a day or so then due to the lack of general appeal would languish in semi retirement from then on except for the occasional scenario played out in there.
What I would like to see would be semi-historical terrains like the med terrain once used in WB in 1.11 (not the current version at all), a european BOB or russian front style terrain, and one loosly modeled after the new guinea terrain. Have each tour of duty, if that is implemented, use one of these terrains.


Keep the shiny side up!