Author Topic: Online Videos: Hot A-26 Invaders, Torpedo Planes, D-Day Paratroopers & more  (Read 444 times)

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Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In September 2008 Newsletter

Hello World War 2 plane fans ---

You’re invited to drop by Zeno's Drive-In for this month’s full house of five WW2 documentary films playing over the Internet. We’re premiering three films, plus two more “classics.”

As always, all the videos on our site are showing for free, for your viewing pleasure.

Now showing At the Matinee at Zeno's Drive-In.

"A-26 Invaders Attack in Color”- Premier! Legendary SFP 186 combat cameramen rode along with 416th Bomb Group A-26 Invaders during March and April, 1945 with color film loaded in their cameras. The results are some of the most beautiful and dramatic footage to come out of the World War II. You'll see fleets of silver fast attack bombers soaring through towering cumulus clouds before unloading torrents of bombs deep inside the Third Reich. An added bonus is a cache of remarkable still pictures taken by 416th Group (668th, 669th, 670th and 671st Bomb Squadrons) staff photog "Sergeant Cachat" showing A-26s on location and their crews. (Thanks to Carl Sgamboti at the Douglas A-26C Preservation Project for permission to use these pics.)

“Aerial Torpedo Attack” - Premier Every once in a while, a previously unknown document comes out of the past that raises the curtain on a forgotten chapter of military history. This film does just that, illuminating the science of Naval aerial torpedo attacks. Developed to educate pilots about a new torpedo that could be dropped from higher (and therefore less vulnerable) altitudes and speeds, the film also gives a thorough grounding in torpedo attacks in general. You'll learn about depth setting, range estimation, target angles, leading the target, the effect of crosswinds, working with fighters and dive bombers during an attack, using radar, countering evasive ship maneuvers and much more. You'll also see how far we've come from an analog world where printed charts were cross referenced in the thick of combat. A very interesting and revealing film.
“Normandy The Aerial Invasion of Fortress Europe” - Premier This film was produced during the war to show the strategic and tactical planning that went into the airborne component of the D-Day invasion as well as document the proceedings. Of special interest is the detailed depiction of the development of glider transport and doctrine. Great footage of 82nd & 101st Division paratroopers. If you think you've seen all the surviving footage about Normandy operations, this film will be an eye opener .

“Luftwaffe Finis” in Color This original documentary is composed of recently discovered color film of top Luftwaffe leaders and pilots taken as they fell into Allied hands at the end of World War II. See Reichsmarschall Herman Goering, commander of Luftwaffe fighter forces Adolph Galland, Stuka pilot & tank buster supreme Hans Rudel and many more. Captured aircraft are shown as well, including an Me 262, the first jet fighter, and an FW 190.

“Air Attacks Against Italy A-36 strikes near Rome, April 1944” Exciting "from the cockpit" views of A-36 Invader (aka "Apache") dive bombing & strafing attacks.( The A-36, ground attack version of the P-51 Mustang, is also featured in our popular "A Day with the A-36s.") This is a short film, but it's nonstop action! Some of  best footage of US dive bombing attacks you will find anywhere. Watching these high speed, precision attacks definitely benefits from a broadband internet connection if you have access to one.

If you haven't stopped by Zeno's Drive-In before, we also show 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy films and pilot’s manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! – Alert! There’s been an F-86 jet sighted over Zeno’s Drive-In!

That's over 16 hours of rockin' World War II prop videos, plus another 500 color Warbird pics, for free viewing over the Internet!

Check Six!!


PS If you have any concerns about using the RealNetworks RealPlayer to watch our videos, I recommend using the “RealAlternative” media player instead.  It will play RealVideo files just fine, is independently produced, a small download, and has none of the purported vices of RealNetwork’s RealPlayer. You can download the RealAlternative player here:

Online Videos: Hot A-26 Invaders, Torpedo Planes, D-Day Paratroopers & more