Author Topic: Max flap/gear lowering speeds missing  (Read 92 times)


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Max flap/gear lowering speeds missing
« on: October 01, 1999, 07:29:00 PM »

The pilot's manuals I have for the Mustang, Spitfire, P-47, P-38, F6F, F4U all state max speeds for lowering the landing gear and flaps or "they might be damaged".

This is excepting the F4U for 10 degrees maneuvring flaps, P-38 10 degrees maneuvering flaps and the P-51 for 10 and then 20 degrees maneuvering flaps. All of these maneuvering flaps can be lowered at high speeds with no damage.

I know brand W had all this modeled. I hope this is planned for future releases in AH.


Richard Ordway

Offline phaetn

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Max flap/gear lowering speeds missing
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 1999, 09:14:00 PM »
It surely is.

Wait for the Beta to mature a little and it will appear.
