Author Topic: 3 sides is stupid  (Read 288 times)

Offline Vermillion

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3 sides is stupid
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2000, 08:57:00 AM »
Actually I think the 3 sided war works (and I usually fly Rook), its just the community is young and is just now learning how to deal with it since all 3 sides have equal numbers.

Two major options for situations like last night.

I.) Rooks and Bishops team together to go after Knights for a change (or Knights/Rooks). This can be done thru a variety of ways.

II.) Get a bunch of the Rooks, all defect to Bishops, and start hitting Knights in the rear area's and stealing bases and knocking out their industry. Pretty soon, you will have a fight stirred up between the other two teams.

Or one I didn't think of initially

III.) Have all or most of the rooks all defect to other teams, take out the last two Rook bases, and cause a reset.

Remember guys, you don't have to stay on one team, even if you are in a squad. Move around, meet other people, and do different things.

There are plenty of ways to make a three sided war work, use your imagination.

WB's: (verm--), **MOL**, Men of Leisure,
"Real men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires ;) "

Offline dolomite

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3 sides is stupid
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2000, 09:08:00 AM »
C'mon guys! It happens to every side- trust me, I know!

I flew Knight during the heinous Bishop/Rook pact Saturday night. Result? Two hours of endless vultching on massively overwhelmed Knight bases. I don't care, I had fun anyway.

Flew last night as Rook; they were down to two bases. Knights on the north, Bishops on the south. To make matters worse, I was flying base defense in an F4U. Result? Endless streams of enemy fighters pummeling our two bases. I don't care, I had a blast.

If I log on today and see that Bishops are overwhelmed, I'll be there. And I'll get vultched. And I'll have fun.

You don't have to "win" to have fun, which is something we sometimes forget.  

For those of you guys who want a coordinated attack everytime you log on, the answer is simple; form a squad, decide on a night, and show up in numbers. Expecting everyone on a side to do exactly what you want them to do is not realistic. Surround yourselves with like-minded people and have at it!

I personally don't want to be in a squad because I fly the way my mood dictates, or with my own agenda; If I want to test the charactersistics of a particular a/c, I will seek out every furball I can to see what I can do under a variety of circumstances. I may go on a long-range headhunt. I may support a group offensive. I may see a friend and wing with him/her. I may happen upon an arch rival (friendly, of course) and have a series of "duels". I'm not necessarily a "loner", but I don't need anyone telling me what to do.  

In the end Minotaur is exactly right- the worst thing that happens is a reset.

Offline Sledriver

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3 sides is stupid
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2000, 01:07:00 PM »
I am sorry I put somewhat flamatory remarks in here. I like this game very much, and I don't have to win all the time. But being pummelled all the time is not fun. I was killed 3 times before I even got in my a/c. And that was to start my evenings session! As for closing the bases, the nits and bish had no intentions to. They were having to much fun just vulching.
I guess my way of thinking is just that much different from yours.  
So enough said {S}


Offline Pongo

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3 sides is stupid
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2000, 01:09:00 PM »
I am going back and forth on this.
It was really bad being a rook at my login time last week and week befor. But I have notices that the Knights are starting to get a bit disorganised as they get some numbers.
That was always the worst. The Bish and the Rooks are hammering it out with semi equal numbers and then an organised groop of 8-10 knights tears the heart out of the rooks rear areas...
The had to be really organised when they where often outnumbered so badly but that is not the case anymore.
A few weeks ago a call went out(here) for people to join knights. and they have.
Really bad to be a rook for a few weeks as a result.
Last couple of days seems better to me. At least some three way fights going on.  It is interesting to see the dynamics evolve.
But it is definatly true. The knights have had there freebees.....Time to squish em again!

Offline popeye

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3 sides is stupid
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2000, 03:32:00 PM »
What Verm said.  If numbers are even, and it's two against one, defect and start a little war somewhere else.  Spread the Hate.  


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