Author Topic: Frame one ends today  (Read 453 times)

Offline TheBug

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Frame one ends today
« on: September 23, 2008, 12:05:11 PM »
    The first frame of Campaign Series: Italy will end this evening and the second frame, centered on the invasion of mainland Italy will begin.  The Allies have won a decisive victory in Sicily and have completely routed the Axis from the island. 

    This week they will start with a beachhead at Salerno, at Taranto and also will have possession of the "toe of the boot".
The objective for this week will be to clear the Axis from southern Italy, up to the Gustav line formed by the chain of bases 70-66-72-73-67. 

   The plane set will be modified to include planes from late '43 to summer of '44.  I will also be increasing the number of troops and decreasing some downtimes.  I will provide all the details tonight once the setup is in place.  <S>
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline choppit

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Re: Frame one ends today
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2008, 04:52:53 PM »
Will there be a no capture Status for the bases on the Gustav line and Behind?

Offline TheBug

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Re: Frame one ends today
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2008, 05:33:20 PM »
No capture is fixed for the map, it involves multiple hands to change(none being mine) and I would hate to wear out my welcome.  :)

I am going to tweak the settings a little to hopefully insure that over the course of a week the map shouldn't be overrun.
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline Damionte

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Re: Frame one ends today
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2008, 05:33:49 PM »
Have to be careful when monkeying with the capture properties. Although we have been able to capture bases (The Allies) it has mostly been in milk run situations with the low numbers in the arena. Even with milk run numbers of 14-2 in favor we're having trouble taking bases with flight times longer than one zone.

The bases in the south of the boot have 2-3 zone flight times up to the gustav line.

Allied Commander: AvA / Campaign Series: North Africa / Italy

Offline TheBug

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Re: Frame one ends today
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 05:40:50 PM »
I hear ya Drack and fully understand.  I am constantly observing and searching for a balance.  If I go over the top I have no problem admitting it and will gladly correct it.  I truly do wish to target the effects of milkrunning, but not make it an impossible venture to a side to gain ground using coordinated efforts.

<S> And thanks for your input.
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline TheBug

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Re: Frame one ends today
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 06:20:49 PM »
Arena is set.

Made the following changes (other than base ownership adjustments):

Troops for capture changed from 20 to 30
Town downtime changed from 60 mins to 45 mins

Allied Planeset Adjustments:

Added- P51b, P47-d25,Typhoon,A20g
Moved the heavies (B17/B24) onto Sicily.

Axis Planeset Adjustments:

Added- 109g-14, 190f-8, 190a-8, Wirbelwind,  Osti (added only to Gustav line Bases) and Tiger I

All other planes from first week remain.

Any questions, comments or concerns  send 'em my way. <S> and enjoy.
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline choppit

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Re: Frame one ends today
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 06:32:26 PM »
Also, one set of b-26s can carry 12,000 lbs of bombs altogether, Along with the ability to strafe they can take down about 3 hangers. They were the only bomber that I recall seeing in the arena this week. Could they maybe be reduced to the island of Sicily but in return, soften the hangers to MA settings?

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Frame one ends today
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2008, 08:30:03 PM »
Typhoon in Italy....?

- oldman