I guess animal your personal ideological affiliation agreed with Charlie Rangle Democrat from New York in not paying his personal taxes for the past few years because he was the head of the House Ways and Means committe which writes all of our tax code. He is only paying now because he accidentaly got caught. At least he hasnt cried racism like Obamas boot lackies do for anything that might tarnish the messaihas image.
But then what a conflict of interest that is. Rangle writes tax code and tryed to get away with not paying. fox and henhouse comes to mind.
I researched factcheck. The board and all of the researchers and writers are Democrats and Liberals. NO CONCERVITIVES or REPUBLICANS. Their funding is all from Liberal foundations including SOROS. Very impartial in a Marxist sorta way.
You are completely and utterly placing words in my mouth. I never said, nor indicated in any way, that I said or meant any such thing.
My ideology is not based on party, it's based on truth and independence to choose based on truth, NOT to pick a party and everything they do is pure golden. Anyone who pulls into any tribe and thinks that way is lost.
If you can prove my truths are wrong, then you can change my mind. Who you will have a long fight with are party-liners who (on both sides) totally ignore truth that doesn't compliment their "guy". What makes it look like I pick on NEO Trekkies is they are the most vocal and make the most post. And it increased when McCain lost his lead.
Back to subject..
I suppose those about McCain are all wrong and a conspiracy, and the one below is total fact.. right>? a convenient exception to your rule? That would be ironic no?
http://tinyurl.com/4qlllkHere's my point, it's a personal policy to never listen to someone as a biased party complain about someone else (their possible rivals) they perceive as wronging them. The ***truth*** will ***always*** lay somewhere in the middle. Which means it's possible both sides are lying SOME, based on their personal bias\agenda.
It's always slanted straight out of the box and I **guarantee you** it will contain half truths, if not complete bold face lying in the name of party\agenda. And the body language will stink the room up. Everyone has their tell, and some groups share tells.
It matters not which agenda\party it is, the entire reason for them to speak is to *convince you\me* of something you\we may not normally buy into. It's the whole reason to even broadcast the thought in any form. To convince someone of something,....really in all seriousness, no different then infomercials. Al I am doing is presenting what I find to be truth, you either accept it, or you don't.
THAT is why it's easy for me to pick out BS, because I am not of either party, I'm independent and I think that way too. In all forms of reasoning, and\or math involved, I find it to be the best and smartest way for me and >IMO< better for the country as a whole.
Party-line will burn this country like Rome in the long run (which may not be all that far away BTW). It's like crack, the plague,...totally wound up in lies and deceit and it's much easier to let someone else think for you then to think for yourself, the lazy human way out.
BECAUSE to be party-line, **to any party\agenda** you MUST give up 50% reasoning, common logic AND truth, to justify being for victory over truth. And all the drivel is to make it look ok, when it's actually killing the country. And to give up 50% of those things, you (people in general) also have to act stupid to do it. Every time we tell a lie it requires us to act stupid. That's why the flood gate is always wide open to pick out lies and distortion, because it's a party-liner who gave up 50% of mentality and common logic and is coming out of the box with a sales agenda.
Truth be it may, McCain has rampaged this election with attack after attack for much longer and more frequent then Obama until just recently. And that's only because Obama started playing McCain\Reps game and by the same rules, dirty. And McCain\Reps can't stand to receive what they put out. So hypocritical it makes me vomit, I HATE whiners. Reps are KNOWN to run dirty camps it's their whole reputation. It's killing them to get a taste of their own medicine. They failed us twice, they flunked and they caused the entire mess, that's why they say "it's not time to blame anyone, get it fixed.." of course they don't want anyone casting blame it's them who did all of this to the economy. Why one single person would vote them back in a third time is well beyond me. Obviously, some of us need trains instead of buses driven up our butts before we "get it".
I used to LOVE John McCain, this is NOT the John McCain I knew of years ago. This has morphed into a guy who finally got on the ticket and has gone from decent to a habitual attacker drenched in half-truths and lies. Reps just can't stand when someone plays the same game with the same rules. Count them,..more often Obamas attacks contain more truth then McCains. And McCains repeats them even after they have been proven false claims, that IS stupid. And that's why you see his name listed more then someone else. IMO, his camp turned him into complete crap.