>>beep, beep. beep, beep. beep. beep, beep, beep.<<
<Radio Berlin>
Lord Haw Haw: "This just in. All of Deutschland rejoice! Marlene is back!
Having heard of the cruel sufferings of the volk at the hands of the Allies propaganda machine, she has triumphantly returned to the Fatherland to bring hope and courage in our desparate struggle against the Evil Empire.
Follow her brave example and return to defend the homeland by dashing the Limeys a good one in the keister. Raise your Iron Mail as a good Teutonic knight and join our glorius Luftwaffe as they crush those dentally-challenged pudding-eaters under our hobnailed heels.
And on the home front, hold in your hearts and minds the vision of Marlene, leading the volksturm to victory, as a golden valkyrie rising over the ashes of London like a Phoenix of justice and vengence."
<Radio Berlin> announcer: "We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming -- 'Son Of Godzilla Eats The Buckinghams' "

Very creative! Great stuff, you kept it truthful, so keep it coming!
Remember, spreading lies is something the British do, not us Deutchen folk.
Herr Kermit