Author Topic: David Letterman speaks the truth..  (Read 4633 times)


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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #135 on: September 25, 2008, 10:12:54 PM »
  Man Dems are foaming at the lips over a female getting on the ticket that isnt Hilldawg.This is a royal riot :rofl :rofl

I've been hearing rumors that Hillary may yet end up on the ticket.
That may end up being our October surprise
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Offline Toad

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #136 on: September 25, 2008, 10:13:08 PM »
Here we are with a gen-u-ine national situation on stage front and center.

One would think our two Senators-who-would-be-President would jump at this opportunity to demonstrate how ready they are to Lead On Day One.

If neither one of these guys has enough character and leadership skills to step forward and lead the nation on this, neither one of them should be President.

Because of the election and news coverage THEY have the bully pulpit just as much as Bush does. Here's their opportunity to step up to the microphone and tell the nation how this should be handled and do it in such a way that the Congressional telephone system is swamped by constituents supporting the plan.

THAT'S leadership. You mean to tell me neither one of them can provide even an attempt at it? One of these two guys is about to become President of the United States; they are not just everyday Senators waiting for a committee report. They're supposed to LEAD Congress, not follow it. They can't put forward a plan that protects the taxpayer and then rally the public behind it?  Then they shouldn't be running for Prez.

McCain has at least moved in that direction but he's got a LOOOOOONG way to go IMO:


John McCain called for a path for taxpayers to recover the money in the $700 billion federal bailout plan, one of five changes the Arizona senator intends to fight for in Washington today.

The Republican presidential candidate, speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting in New York, assured voters that the money put into the fund would be returned. “When we’re talking about $700 billion taxpayers’ dollars, that money cannot simply go into a black hole of bad debt with no means of recovering any of the funds,” he said. <DUH!!>

McCain suspended his campaign Wednesday afternoon to return to Washington to address the financial crisis. Some Republicans in Congress had called on the senator to take action, hoping his support would prompt other Republicans to do the same.

Before heading to Washington, McCain made clear the changes he is seeking. In addition to a path for returning the funds, he repeated his calls for greater accountability and transparency in the legislation. He added to that a ban on any potential earmarks intended to benefit “favored companies.” <All reasonable, logical requirements.>

“Frankly, members of Congress who would attempt such a thing are scarcely better than the most reckless operators on Wall Street,” McCain said.

Lastly, the Arizona senator called for assurances that Wall Street executives involved in the problems would not benefit from them. To prove his point, he invoked his least favorite pet project—the so-called Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska. “I would rather build a bridge to nowhere–and put it square in the middle of Sedona, Ariz.–than take money from teachers and farmers and small-business owners to line the pockets of the Wall Street crowd that got us here in the first place,” he said to applause.

McCain acknowledged the challenge of acting “both quickly and wisely” and again said the response should be like that of Sept. 11. He also made clear his determination to find a solution before the markets open Monday morning.

At least it's a start. Beats hell out of the give-a-way to Wall Street the weasels are trying to ram through before the taxpayers wake up.

Obamessiah is acting like he'll vote "present" on this one. He must be waiting for his puppetmasters to fire up his teleprompter. Ummm... ahhhhh..... ehhhhh... ummmmmm...."above my pay grade".

He's giving McC an opening to reverse his polling trend.

They both talk about who is ready to lead... well, here's a little national problem that they can dive into and strut their stuff. Let's see it, boys.

Lights! Camera! ACTION!
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Offline Dago

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #137 on: September 25, 2008, 10:18:05 PM »
I am ready to run a poll about a certain outdoorsman being a tool. 
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Offline MORAY37

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #138 on: September 26, 2008, 12:26:24 AM »
This Sums it up.

Hasn't even read the 3 Paulson pages.... yet "suspends" his presidential campaign.  Any toolbox that doesn't see he's damaged goods needs their head examined for sin waves.
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Offline Mr No Name

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #139 on: September 26, 2008, 01:04:45 AM »
What the good guys (opponents of the bailout) are saying:

"I must tell you, there are those in the public debate who have said that we must act now. The last time I heard that, I was on a used-car lot," said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana. "The truth is, every time somebody tells you that you've got to do the deal right now, it usually means they're going to get the better part of the deal."

"They are saying this is failure of the free markets of capitalism when, in fact, this is a failure because government injected itself into the free market, created this easy credit, these guaranteed loans, and these loans are what have turned into the bad paper that are bringing all these financial institutions down," said Sen. Jim DeMint, R-South Carolina.

"Most Americans are paying their bills on time and investing responsibly and should not be forced to pay for the reckless actions of some on Wall Street, especially when no one can guarantee this will solve our current problems," DeMint said. "This plan will not only cause our nation to fall off the debt cliff, it could send the value of the dollar into a free-fall as investors around the world question our ability to repay our debts."
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Offline DrDea

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #140 on: September 26, 2008, 07:13:03 AM »
  Heres another fun little group Obama was involved in.Apparently he did a lot of lawyering for them.The more that I hear on this guy the more I wonder whats next.Any garden hose that doesn't see he's damaged goods needs their head examined for sine waves.
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Offline Toad

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #141 on: September 26, 2008, 07:16:52 AM »
"I must tell you, there are those in the public debate who have said that we must act now. The last time I heard that, I was on a used-car lot," said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana. "The truth is, every time somebody tells you that you've got to do the deal right now, it usually means they're going to get the better part of the deal."

There's a no shirtter!

This baby was only driven to church on Sunday by a 85 year old grandmother that never exceeded 25 mph!
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Offline DrDea

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #142 on: September 26, 2008, 08:04:19 AM »
 Bill Clinton is now showing support for McCain letting the campaign wait and doing what he should be doing.This is getting better all the time. :aok
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline crockett

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #143 on: September 26, 2008, 08:51:20 AM »
Dunno. but I saw an interview last night with the Ex CEO of Shell Oil (I think it was)
The subject of Palin came up and the interviewer asked him
"You had a couple of run ins with Palin didnt you?"

He responded
"Oh yea, She's the real deal. dont underestimate her.
She let us know in no uncertain terms exactly who was running Alaska. And it wasnt the Oil companies."
He added that while they were able to work with her. It was clear that the government was going ot tell the oil companies how it was going to be done, Not the other way around.

Now she may not have "faced down" the leadership of a forgien government.
But Big Oil is damn near just as good if not damn near the same thing.
In my not so humble opinion.

I like Palin.
I like her a hell of alot more then I like McCain
I wish the ticket were the other way around.

I havent looked at that video yet but I do know that if you follow someone around with a camera long enough. You sure to get some real gaffs

It is my understanding that there are a bunch of YouTube videos out of Bidin has been making quite the fool of himself lately too.

They didn't need to follower her around, she just doesn't have a clue. look at that interview she really didn't have a real answer for any of the questions. The only answers she gave was scripted or she tried to dodge the question. So what happens when she's dealing with foreign leaders and she fumbles like that? They will eat her alive.

Besides that, the whole lobbyist stuff is BS with her. She isn't any different than anyone else, she didn't go on some crusade to do away with lobbyist like she claims. Look up her actual track record, she was after govt earmarks and hiring lobbyist just like anyone else has been. Hell McCain even bashed her on it, because she was asking for so much money in federal earmarks. She didn't tone it down until it became a political football with the bridge to nowhere once that hit the public eyes.

Then you have to look at the money McCain has taken from the oil lobby's. He's no straight talker as he claims. Hell just the other day it was released that one of his top campaign guys was pulling in $45k a month from Freddie and Fannie even after they were in trouble. Most of McCain's top campaign staff is lobbyist, so sorry but nothing is going to change under McCain. 

I'm not saying Obama is any better, but he's not directly taking money from lobbyists. However he's still getting the money.  The simple truth is all of these politicians take money from lobbyists and none of them will ever stop no matter what they claim. IMO it should be considered a bribe because that's what it is and it should be illegal. However the govt would likely shut down because every politician would be in jail.

Offline crockett

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #144 on: September 26, 2008, 08:52:41 AM »
I've been hearing rumors that Hillary may yet end up on the ticket.
That may end up being our October surprise

There are the same rumors that McCain will dump Palin.. it's all BS.. we have less than 5 weeks till the election. What you see now is what you get.

Offline DrDea

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #145 on: September 26, 2008, 08:58:07 AM »
  Yo DO realise that Obama was 3rd in line for money from Fanny and Freddie right?Behind only Dodd and Kerry.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline crockett

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #146 on: September 26, 2008, 08:58:38 AM »
Bill Clinton is now showing support for McCain letting the campaign wait and doing what he should be doing.This is getting better all the time. :aok

He didn't say he supports him, you missed his entire point if that's what you think.

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #147 on: September 26, 2008, 09:03:19 AM »
There's a no shirtter!

This baby was only driven to church on Sunday by a 85 year old grandmother that never exceeded 25 mph!

No kidding Toad!

Actually the last time the good Representative from Indiana heard that it was about WMD's and such....

Fool me once with the iminent danger line, shame on you....fool me twice, shame on me...

Offline Toad

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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #148 on: September 26, 2008, 09:18:10 AM »
Ya know String, I KNEW someone would bring that up. I didn't figure it to be you though.

OK, refresh my memory.... how long was the IAEA investigating Iraq on the WMD issue with no resolution before action was finally taken?

I think they did discuss the "imminent danger" in the UN, in the Congress and in the media for a tad more than a week or two, didn't they? I admit I'm getting old and getting forgetful but it seems they did talk about it just a tiny bit more than this rush to bailout.

I could be wrong..........
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Re: David Letterman speaks the truth..
« Reply #149 on: September 26, 2008, 09:28:26 AM » shouldn't be surprised it was me by my posts in the squad forum.

Toad...the M.O. is the same and you KNOW it.