I was tooling around on Zapkins H2H game in my new favorite ride the JUG, I was loaded to the brim and was headed to a40 to make some hurt, as I was coming in at about 13k i was doing bout 250 without wep (heavy load) then I saw a glint behind me and i know it was a damn 51, I did a shallow dive and fired my 10 rockets and dropping all my bombs on a40 from about 10k (killd lots of stuff too amaxingly) and turned twords the co-alt 51 and it was on. We had at it for about 10 min, and I dont mean that round and round crap I mean REAL tactics, I finally won by letting him come up real fast on my six, i was doing about 275 and he had just dove from about 5k above me and he was really truckin, when he closed to 1.1k i make a sharp turn left and let his e carry him right past me, I then turned right and was behind him he tried to extend but had drained his E trying to turn with me, I had lost very little and was still at 250, he tried in vain to extend but I got him. It was the BEST fight I have ever had.
oh btw his name was "Phalic"
[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 02-09-2001).]