Author Topic: ? For HTC  (Read 359 times)

Offline easymo

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? For HTC
« on: December 20, 2000, 05:45:00 PM »
 Keep hearing about bullits moveing to center of cone. Does this include Cannon rounds?

Offline Torque

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? For HTC
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2000, 06:16:00 PM »
Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahah ah....<cough>...<cough>....<hack>......i gotta quite smoking.

Offline SKurj

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? For HTC
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2000, 10:21:00 PM »
Tis my understanding it includes all ammo fired.  No more shotgun spray.  Now if ze hispanos hit u, u can pretty near guarantee death as there will be more rounds hitting you.  BUT the shooter now will have to be more accurate.  I kinda wonder if many snapshots will be more deadly as well.... hmm fire let bad guy fly through stream.. with current dispersion even a jug can appear to fly through the stream unscathed..  perhaps in 1.05 this will not be the case..
