nothing wrong with us brits, wouldnt of won the war without us
Without Great Britain's courage during the battle of Britain, the outcome of the rest of the war would have indeed have come out much worse. For if Britain had either surrendered like France did, or even just had signed a peace treaty with Germany and stopped fighting, Germany could then have focused 100% of its resources on Russia. Would Russia still have been able to blunt the German invasion of 1941 under that scenario?? America's armed forces were only able to invade Europe in 1944 because England was available as a base for the invasion.
Even with some very bad alternative outcomes, the United States would still have been a most difficult foe to defeat, partly due to geography. America single handedly blunted the Japanese threat in the Pacific, and thus secured its west coast. And Germany had no significant naval forces to support an invasion across the Atlantic. That would have been a huge, huge obstacle, and taken many years of effort to prepare for. In comparison, look how long it took to just prepare for the invasion of Europe across the English channel?
So America could still have won the war on its own. However, it would of had to hold off both Japan and Germany until the summer of 1945. As long as it could have achieved that, the war would then have turned around entirely, and America would then have defeated both nations single handedly.
However, much of the earth would have been left radioactive wasteland in such a scenario. And America's casualties in the war would have skyrocked, and probably been at least 4 times what they were.
There are so many what ifs in engaging in such speculation, though, that nothing is really certain. Sure, America would of had a fleet of B-29's in 1945, and had atomic bombs. But even B-29's could not fly round trip from the United States to Europe. And even if they had made it, most likely the skies would have been full of thousands of Me-262's by then.
So I say this: Thank God for Winston Churchill and the those other tough British Bulldogs!! For they managed to fend off the Nazis, all entirely on their own.