Author Topic: Annoyed by error message "banner"  (Read 120 times)

Offline Fishu

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Annoyed by error message "banner"
« on: January 26, 2000, 06:52:00 PM »

Can't we have an option to move this type of messages into text buffer?

Sometimes when logins and gets moved to a field with everything down, you'll get like 2-3 messages telling about fuel, drop tank, possible other ordnances...
Then you have to close those by dragging mouse all the way to "OK" button, instead of simply just pressing a key or reading from text buffer with other messages.

Of course you can close that by pressing enter, but when theres multiple banners, you got to use mouse to click "OK" (or does anyone have good idea to quickly swapping to that banner with some key? at least TAB isnt working because its the text buffer key..)

Most annoying situations might come then if someone wants to join you as gunner/observer, definetly if he does it multiple times. (try to drag your mouse all the way to click it while youre fightning, not to talk about it being middle of sight  )

Oh well.. thats all, with some more whine, just because nobody seemed to take a note on earlier post about this issue.
Please, I don't need large banner to tell me that theres no drop tanks at the field...


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Annoyed by error message "banner"
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2000, 11:28:00 AM »
I second, third, and fourth that motion.