well my $0.02 in this is varying to both sides.
1 what if any kills landed under 5 are only in lights to your countrymen? or those within your radio range? then the pilot gets to see his name in lights and not everyone in the arena has to read the continuous SO and SO landed 2 kills of every other countries players.
2 OR, a little more complex maybe and in the opposite direction, when you shoot someone down instead of you being the only person to read that you have killed so and so, everyone either in country in range or in arena can read it? then your bragging right can go up exponentially! (i kept a screen shot of YOU HAVE KILLED SKYROCK for the longest time!!!! course i got in in a gang bang and i was the only one of the 5 of us that jumped him to survive! but it doesn't say gangtard picker on the screen now does it!!

well just some of the many twisted and worthless junk floating around in my head. if your head now hurts or your thoughts are turning black and evil don't worry, just take the pills the doctor gave you and leave the axe in the shed......
p.s. the voices may be bad but they sure have some wonderful ideas!!!!!!