Author Topic: X52 Help Please  (Read 516 times)

Offline lowZX14

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X52 Help Please
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:05:40 AM »
I know that there are multiple threads in relation to the X52 and how to set it up but I'm still having a hard time putting it all together.  I'll list my questions and problems to see if anyone can help me out with this.

1.  The stick feels as if it doesn't move much initially moving from center but does later on.  I scaled it on the low end a little to help with nose bounce on target, but when I was chasing another plane on his dead six, slight movements still didn't get me on center but just to the left or right each time which was frustrating.

2.  If I program the stick in the software that comes with it, are all of my buttons mapped in game?  I'm new to all of this and don't know, so have some pity on me. 

3.  If you do program it with the software, can you use mode 1 for fighters, 2 for bombers/gv, etc?

4.  I would like some screenshots of the scaling used by some, I found one but I would like some more input and what each part of the scaling actually does.

If you can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it along with the store I bought it at before I box it back up and go back to my Logitech.
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Offline Denholm

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 12:15:25 PM »
For your information, you don't have to program the stick to use it in-game. Just use the, "Map Controllers" feature in-game to setup the stick the way you like it.
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Offline lowZX14

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 01:21:26 PM »
I know I don't have to use it, I was asking should I use it.
325th Checkertails VFG

Offline FireDragon

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 02:30:45 PM »
I have used the x52 since it came out. I can't offer any help on programing the macros as i do not use them.... AH already has 4 differant modes its just easier to use the modes in AH and program the x52 within AH...

Also go into advanced and look at what your joystick is doing... and you will have to set the options based on those results..

Offline morfiend

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 05:14:58 PM »
 The only problem with NOT using the sst programing is AHII doesn't see all of the available buttons on the X52.You can't program the mouse to do anything else without the sst and if you use vista you may see that the scroll wheel wont work either.

 That said you really dont need sst to play AHII and to answer if you can use both,yes!
 As someone said the AH modes allow you to setup for single eng.(fighter) dual engine,(bombers like P38) :lol and multi.(lanc's,B17,ect.) just be sure to map a button to switch modes.

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 08:47:24 PM »
program all your buttons in game. Go to map controllers. You do not program your buttons in sst. Oncde you get them programmed then go to scaling/deadband and dampming. The scaling is a matter of preference and a good setting to start is on the x,y and z axis (pitch,roll and yaw) put the left slider about an inch low and the right slider at the top. Staircase the sliders from right to left. That worked for me. It is preference though. As you play you can make adjustments.

The dead band.... I would raise it about a half inch and play with it and then go to the bottom. It will be more responsive or sensitive at the bottom and maybe cause a overrudder. Some play the game on default and are very good pilots. You will get used to them as you play.

They key for me was this...... Open AH. Get on a runway with throttle at 0. Minimize the game and open your saitec profiler. A window will come up with your axis and twist. Put your joystick through ever range of motion expecially twist which is your rudder. Also motion your throttle up and down. Minimize profiler. Get back in game and go to controls/calibrate controller. Do the same range of motion as you did in profiler. You do not have to do it in same sequence just go through every motion your stick does slowly for 10-15 seconds including throttle.

Using this method/theory, I have no joy problems whatsoever.

In Nascar sims, it was imperative u did this with wheel/throttle with a profiler and game. We did extensive testing and our measure was lap times. Lap times increased with a full calibration. The better response with wheel and throttle translated to hitting our points better, braking, accelerating and wheel control. I have no explaination why it works in Nascar sims or AH, but it works well for me.
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2008, 06:18:02 AM »

I know that there are multiple threads in relation to the X52 and how to set it up but I'm still having a hard time putting it all together.  I'll list my questions and problems to see if anyone can help me out with this.

1.  The stick feels as if it doesn't move much initially moving from center but does later on.  I scaled it on the low end a little to help with nose bounce on target, but when I was chasing another plane on his dead six, slight movements still didn't get me on center but just to the left or right each time which was frustrating.

               I dont know what you mean by this. Is it the stick itself that giving you movement problems or the way the stick is controlling the game? If its the second then you have to scale it/dampen it in the AH controller settings. Also understand that the stick "feels" the flight characteristics of the airplane your flying. For instance if you arent properly trimmed you will feel it in the stick. Or, if you are carrying bombs the stick will feel heavy. Or, if the props counter rotate on the airplane the stick will feel different.....ect

2.  If I program the stick in the software that comes with it, are all of my buttons mapped in game?  I'm new to all of this and don't know, so have some pity on me. 

No. If you want somthing mapped you have to map it yourself, "assuming nobody already sent you an SST profile".

3.  If you do program it with the software, can you use mode 1 for fighters, 2 for bombers/gv, etc?

Yes. You can just change SST modes using the turning mode button on the upper right of the X52 stick.

4.  I would like some screenshots of the scaling used by some, I found one but I would like some more input and what each part of the scaling actually does.
Cant help you here.

If you can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it along with the store I bought it at before I box it back up and go back to my Logitech.
Maybe you want to go here before turing the thing in for another, "BTW Logictech is the last stick I'd buy".
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Offline Max

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2008, 08:35:09 AM »

4.  I would like some screenshots of the scaling used by some, I found one but I would like some more input and what each part of the scaling actually does.

If you can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it along with the store I bought it at before I box it back up and go back to my Logitech.

This link will provide you a download link to ack ack's stick scaling:

IIRC, the only programming advantage the SST software will provide as opposed to in-game joystick programming, is a more efficient use of the throttle rotaries and slider. Good luck!

Offline dentin

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2008, 09:29:29 AM »
This link will provide you a download link to ack ack's stick scaling:

IIRC, the only programming advantage the SST software will provide as opposed to in-game joystick programming, is a more efficient use of the throttle rotaries and slider. Good luck!

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Re: X52 Help Please
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2008, 07:43:58 AM »
I think I saved the screenies. PM me if interested.