Author Topic: A study of bomber perk point awards..  (Read 141 times)


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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« on: February 18, 2001, 10:46:00 AM »
In the wee hours this morning I decided to do some testing.  There we only about 50 in the MA so i had the good conditions for good testing.

launched from A28 in a ju-88 with 4x 500kg bombs and 20x internal 50kg bombs.

flew to the barraks located east of V46 and destroyed 43% of it (according to STRAT) no fighters seen.
returned and landed.


Launched from A28 again, this time in a B-17 with 12x 500 pound bombs.
returned to the barraks and sent it completly to 0% (again according to strat) no intact structures were visable. on return leg a c-hog attacked me from dead six (dummy) i took no damage and promptly shot him down. I then landed.


Now I realize that the 88 is definatly a harder plane to accomplish a mission in than the 17, however the difference in points awarded seems to be a vast over compensation for this.
in the test missions the 17 destroyed more targets AND shot down a fighter, yet it was awarded 1/13th the amount of points.

That just doesent seem right.

BTW, is there any know proposed prices of the upcoming perk planes?, mainly the Arado.

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 02-18-2001).]

Offline brady

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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2001, 11:18:00 AM »
  I think u will find that points are awarded for a number of reasons, first off if u use the 1000 pound bombs and drop them right u can get get 5 or 6 targets at once with each bomb...and u can 1 for each with 2 of the 110pound bombs.
  Now i don not know what u were drooping but a buddy of mine was able to regularly get  approx. 40 or more points in a Lancaster at a training facility, I can at least 90 points at a training facility in a JU 88.
  The moral to the story is make every bomb count,the JU 88 caries the same weight in bombs as the B-17,it is as u said less survivable.



[This message has been edited by brady (edited 02-18-2001).]


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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2001, 11:30:00 AM »

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 02-18-2001).]


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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2001, 11:33:00 AM »
I purposly only bombed half the barraks for the sake of testing, i think yer missing the point here.

The reason for the test was to illustrate the unfairness between the 2.  I know how to get the most out of my bombs and all that stuff, i just wanted to test exactly how big the award gap was between the best bomber (17) and the worst bomber (the 88)

basically it concluded that no matter how good yer aim is and how many targets you kill and how many fighters you shoot down if you use the b-17 yer not gonna get crap.

it also showed that if you have a few min and an ungarded target, you can spend 10 miniutes and easyly rack up 20-30 points in the ju-88.

so your options are.

A: hit a defended important target, fight yer way in and out and then fly all the way home, a mission lasting 30-45 miniutes at least
and you most likley not get over 7 points total

B: you can up in a useless and undefended area in a ju-88 and attack some worthless undefended target and then roll over and crash into the sea because you dont feel like flying all that 5 miles back, a mission liasting at most 15-20 min
and if you are not a total retard and your bombs hit ANYTHING you will get at least 12-16 points.

To me that seems to be both unfair and also to send the wrong message.

Offline brady

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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2001, 11:46:00 AM »
   So what message should we send, I agree with the premise that the less survivable mounts should be awarded more points for completing their missions than the better ones, I don't really have any problems with the current system, the B-17 is a death star, the JU 88 is easy meat...where do we go from hear?



[This message has been edited by brady (edited 02-18-2001).]


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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2001, 12:08:00 PM »
I agree with the premise that the less survivable mounts should be awarded more points for completing their missions than the better ones

Yea but to me a difference of about 15 times the amount of points seems to be a bit much, kind of overcompensation.

I have had 3 missions turned down now in the MA just because nobody wanted to fly the 17 because they wouldent get many points.  They would rather do useless attacks with the 88 cause of course the will get 15 times the amount of points.

like I said, doesent seem to be a good message to send.

NOTE: yesterday Me and 5 other 17s raided and leveled a city, yet i got more points with a 10 miniute raid on a port with the 88 in which i bombed a few of ammo bunks and ack, and then returned home, and recieved more points than the 5 plane b-17 raid did COMBINED.

Offline brady

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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2001, 01:06:00 PM »
  hitting the City is not worth the effort for points no matter what plane u are in JU 88 or other wise I can only get a few points for striking the city in a JU 88.
  My squad  never selects the JU 88 for it's missions. My squad's objective's are always to get to the target and take it, we almost always take lancasters, and rarely we take the B-17, this is not because of points mind u as squad we do not fly for points we fly for the mission the country and select our planes for our missions based on that consideration. When the squad is not around in the mornings on my days off usually I will fly for myself and take the JU 88 up for the points of it   , also I love that plane it has always been a favorite of mine ever since i was a kid.
  One observation I would make in regard to your missions being turned down is this: The point system was put in place(in part) to help to foster the use of the less favored planes by rewarding u for their use with "perk" points, it would seam that this is working.




[This message has been edited by brady (edited 02-18-2001).]

[This message has been edited by brady (edited 02-18-2001).]

Offline juzz

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A study of bomber perk point awards..
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2001, 11:19:00 PM »
The controls in the perk system are in how fast points are accumulated and what point levels the perks are set to. Perks can be set to be fairly frequent or very infrequent. That is something we'll have to adjust as we tune the system for the best gameplay. Because these points have a real and redeemable value, they're useful to influencing the flow of the game. Aside from making it useful to fly less popular planes, we could do things like awarding points to the side that wins the war or dropping perk prices when your side is greatly outnumbered. I think most players will find it to be a useful and flexible system that broadens the game.