Author Topic: Country switching in SEAs  (Read 279 times)

Offline RSLQK186

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Country switching in SEAs
« on: November 15, 2008, 05:38:58 PM »
Not so much a bug as just not working as expected(by me). When I switch country in one I get switched in the other.

Used to be if you switch at the beginning of a new FSO you are good for the month and 50/50 on the next unless you attend something else in the mean time.

I've been to FSO in #1 and BoB in #2 and have had to switch every time I enter either. Of course I would have had to do this if we still had one SEA arena, but it would be nice to have your county selection stay with each SEA arena seperatly. Just as your squad affiliation does.
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"I'm very very sneaky"