Hmm. I am making another change to those pages tomorrow. I think it would make more sense to show the players in teh squad and how many kills/deaths they each have.
That would be good. I was also thinking that those numbers were missing, but would it also be of benefit to list some percentages/ratios with those individual numbers to the squad's totals? IE: Bob - 12 kills (8% of squad total kills) - 24 deaths (6% of squad total deaths), Or two additional collums for those percentages, so it read something like:
Player - Kills - % of total squad kills - Deaths - % of total squad deaths - k/d ratioBob - 12 kills - 8.0% - 24 deaths - 6.0% - .5
Jim - 15 kills - 9.5% - 36 deaths - 9.0% - .42
Susan - 30 Kills - 19% - 24 deaths - 6.0% - 1.25
Squad Total: Umpty Kills - Yada Deaths - Umpty K/D RatioEdited: added/inserted an idea about k/d ratio numbers too.
The new stats pages are looking great so far, <S>