I haven't decided which is worse, a cheater or snitch.... Bottom line is having a "shade account" is allowed. No, I don't think its right but I've been around long enough and have had my tail kicked enough to know who the good sticks are regardless of what their score may imply.
When it's concerning your own squad and it's reputation the cheater is worse of course. What makes you think it's ok to not say anything at all Grind?
The whistle blower should get top priority attention from all of it's members especially the CO, if they really ever did care about the squads reputation to begin with. I firmly believe if it's just one guy causing the problems whether XO or not, he should be dealt with immediately and set straight or let go so as not to further spread that type of behavior... unless of course you come from a different type of squad.
IMO There should always be someone there to stand up and fight for whats right unless of course no one cares. Then just boot the guy who's putting up the big stink and let him find a different squad that meets his standards of fair game play.
I'm sure this new scoring utility tool will have many of the more honorable squads sending remind notices to it's members. With the exception of the one, the Aces & 8's are and will continue to be an honorable squad, they just made a mistake. For some it's to late and for others it's just in time. I doubt it will completely stop 2nd acct. vulchers or perk farmers but at least we will know who is who.