Author Topic: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.  (Read 958 times)


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Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« on: November 18, 2008, 02:18:46 PM »
Well it seemed to get traction last time.  Another twist on getting rid of the Redcomeoverhearandbombthecrap outofmebecauseyouarepissed
Igotchya7or8timesorso tag.

How about the ability to have this anoying tag go away....

1.  When players score falls below a certain point.  Like say 2000.

2.  As always, whenever the GVer has found a good place to hide?

That's not too hard of a fix is it guys?  Are we asking too much for this?


Offline whiteman

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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2008, 02:21:04 PM »
I don't GV much but it is easy to find them with the red tags when they are hiding.

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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2008, 02:22:19 PM »
I usually see their dots before the tags. The only thing I need the tags for is for identification.... and it's kinda tough to know otherwise.


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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2008, 02:34:15 PM »
OOOOHHhhhh.  Let me clarify.  Only the enemy loses the tags.  Freindlies stay on at all times!

That way you have to be prepared since you dont know what you are up against.

Plus it gives the GV battle a little more room to keep rolling.  Many a good GV fights are over when the JABOs
and Stukalancs come in.  Think of how fun it would be to be hiding in a FLAK and blast an unsuspecting StukaLancs trying to Ident your squad, buddy, or you.  Maybe we wouldnt see lancs used like that anymore too. 

Offline dkff49

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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2008, 02:40:02 PM »
Hey I love bombing gv's when they are spawn camping.

I agree it sucks to have someone bomb you during good gv battles but let's face it there are other ways that these get ruined too, like someone taking down the only vh coming into base where the good battle is going on.

I think the icon is a good compromise and I wish it to be left alone.
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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2008, 02:49:27 PM »
 :rolleyes: :huh

So your side bombs the GVs lets say and take down the VH?  Ok.   :uhoh  What is in it now for the the other side?  LOL  Do you want an ALL GV EJECT botton on you spit 16 too?   :furious   :)

Maybe  Im not getting  your post  bro.  Im looking for the compromise in the other direction.


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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2008, 03:03:16 PM »
:rolleyes: :huh

So your side bombs the GVs lets say and take down the VH?  Ok.   :uhoh  What is in it now for the the other side?  LOL  Do you want an ALL GV EJECT botton on you spit 16 too?   :furious   :)

Maybe  Im not getting  your post  bro.  Im looking for the compromise in the other direction.


I do think you did not get my post

simply put they could take out the icons but the angry will still find ways to ruin your fun gv battle by simply taking down the vh

the compromise is the icon aids in busting the spawn campers and the trade off is that the gv's that are having a real battle have to put up with it too.

and ust so you know I don't ever fly the spixteen and rarely fly any 5 eny planes
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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2008, 03:39:22 PM »
I love using the B25H for killing GV so being able to see and identify GVs is a big help; however I would love to see the tags disappear when they go under tress, into buildings, hangars and the like.  Our in the open could be dangerous, in that how would one know if they are flying over a Panzer or Wirbly?  We can't identify things like in real life. :D
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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2008, 03:46:06 PM »
Make the tags disappear when they are under trees or whatever...  Sounds good to me...  I'll support the idea just as soon as HTC makes it so that GVs don't spawn in the exact same place everytime.  I see no reason to make spawn camping even easier then it is already.

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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2008, 03:53:13 PM »
Gotchya.  The spit 16 remark was in jest!  All I'm saying is that there needs to be a way for GVs to escape as well.  Fighters, bombers, divebombers, etc just simmply climb out.  Everthing is realistic  except for the red tag over the Gvs head that never NEVER goes away.  Like that was there in WWII.  For that matter why not bring in other unrealistic game play crutches.  Guided bullets for noobs?  Unlimited bombs and ammo too?

I just think it could be modified is all.  Why do pilots you need the tag if your supposedly a good stick?

Im not that good  at dropping on GVs, and I stink with an IL2.  Im the last guy to propose this.  From that standpoint.

With the improvements in the  IL2, it is even More Reason to get rid of the Icons.  

I still think you should give the icons to the newer players until their score gets say below 1500 (fighters or bombers) then turn the icons off.  This might give the newer guys the ability to help the older guys out too to encourage team work.  They can be asked to help spot the GV.  

But at the very very least I ask, and there are many GVrs out there whho agree.  That we would get places to hide our Icons if they are not going to go away.  If your found out in the open and get bombed too bad.  Just let the trees do their job and let us hide in the forests ettc.

How many ways do you need to see where the GV is anyway.  Sheese.

Orange Tank in the case of the Panzer against the green veg.
Tracer Fire
Smokn Turret if hit
Noise if you (the aircraft) shut your engine off.

Hell I just plain find something else to do when aircraft show up.  The fun is just not there being bombed all the time.  It would just be nice to have somewhere to try to hide if you could.

Oh well, I suppose Im just wizzing in the wind.


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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2008, 04:03:48 PM »
Make the tags disappear when they are under trees or whatever...  Sounds good to me...  I'll support the idea just as soon as HTC makes it so that GVs don't spawn in the exact same place everytime.  I see no reason to make spawn camping even easier then it is already.

Well in so far as camping goes, tags have nothing to do with it, from a strictly gv point of view. 

I agree.  I think the spawns should be all over the place as well as the guys spawning in should get an even longer chance to get their berings.  Like 15 seconds or whatever.  Longer that it is now anyway.

Im just saying can we do something at least to give a guy a place to hide.  If your the guy trying to spawn in think of how your red tag sticks out to the aircraft supporting the spawn campers.  Another reason to do away  with them.

How about leaving the tags their until you are below say 5k.  Then they go out.  Kind of opposet of how they are now.

Then you have the idea of where they are.

To the comment of identing the fo.  If you use the zoom, you can pretty much get a good view of what the GV on the
ground is.  FLAKs are not that hard to out fly.  You dont need to change much to through off their aim.

Watch the good Dive Bombers.  They dodge and weave and then drop.  The really good ones nail ya every time.

They are not relying on the tags as much as your tracer fire.  Hence another reason to get rid of them.

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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2008, 04:04:33 PM »
The theory of having icons is that a computer screen cannot portray the level of detail and visual depth that a person would get looking at objects in the real world.

I can easily tell a car from a pick-up on the highway from an altitude of ~6,000 (Or, 2K) feet AGL. My "pilot" in AHII can apparently tell the difference between a Spit and a 109 at 6,000 yards or 3.4 statute miles. But the "pilot" can't see and identify multi-ton vehicles from less than a mile? Balderdash!

I don't particularly LIKE being bombed out of my GV either, but that is no reason to try and make dive-bombing/close air support anti-vehicle tactics impossible by doing something completely illogical like removing GV icons. Find another solution.

Although solutions may be difficult to find, because, lets face it, in real war, ground forces are far more numerous than airplanes. In AHII, it is the opposite, so naturally GVers will have times when it feels like everybody in the game is up there bombing them.
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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2008, 04:12:54 PM »
I don't particularly LIKE being bombed out of my GV either, but that is no reason to try and make dive-bombing/close air support anti-vehicle tactics impossible by doing something completely illogical like removing GV icons. Find another solution.

What would yours be I came up with about 5 or 6 here.

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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2008, 04:18:43 PM »
 Ok,how about if they would invert the way you see ICON.

 What I mean is as it is now we only see icon at close range,1.5 or closer IIRC.
 So instead we see ICON at normal range 6K but as you get closer it goes away.

 Lets say 1.5 or 2K the ICON disappears this would allow A/C to "know" GV's
were in the area yet give the ability to hide somewhat.

 It could be taken even farther you could tie the icon to plane type,ie attack or bomber only
simply select the mode and icons would show or not...


Offline dkff49

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Re: Back to the drawing board on GV ID Tags.
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2008, 04:24:02 PM »
actually I have noticed plenty of times that I had to come at gv at just the right angle and direction to be able to see icon. getting into tree cover does help but remember when hiding under trees does not make you invisible. There is an angle that you will be visible and that angle is obtainable when doing jabo attacks.

BTW I knew that you were just joshing me about the spixteen and I went a little overboard. my appologies

work does that to me sometimes

edit: I could go along with a modification to the icon range when closer to or further from the spawn point. For example when you are within a certain distance of a spawn point including the hanger then your icon shows from a further distance
« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 04:30:59 PM by dkff49 »
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