that every one here been saying it took 6 years for Ack-Ack for his post count so why can't we have 1 post per day? I know this been ask before but i love to see this idea be added not only for me but for everyone so they can shut up about post count. Or HTC can rest every one post count back down to 0 even mine and do it that why.
Horrible horrible horrible idea for limiting post count dweebs. There is no substitute for common sense and deciding to post or not to post.
What if it's patch day and a devoted player is poking around for bugs? He finds five. Now he can come to the forum and make one clean post for each individual bug with clear descriptions and reports on that particular bug, OR he can make one huge wall of text that has all five bugs and their descriptions crammed in there. The chunk of text about a modeling bug will be mixed in with a bug about connecting to the server mixed in with a bug about the 262 shooting lasers. It becomes unreadable and beyond hope of understanding and replying to when you shove everything you need or have to post for the day in one tight little package, instead of breaking them down into their own individual subjects and discussions.
In short, this rule of one post a day, meant to clean up the forums and keep order, will actually cause it to very quickly go the opposite way, making huge walls of multi-subject incomprehensible text that are impossible to reply to the common practice.
Some people just need to learn how to use common sense and judgement on when to post and when not to. When to speak up and when to sit, watch and keep their mouths shut. And when they do speak up, that everything they do have to say doesn't get shoved up in one little place, but broken down and separated into their respective categories and proper places for discussion.