40th Fighter Pursuit Squadron "Fight'n Red Devils"
35th FG/40th FS "Fight'n Red Devils"We are a medium sized squad in the Main Arenas... we do have 40 in front of our names, it isn't a requirement... So if you do not want to change your name, you don't have to, don't worry about it.
1. Must have a subscription.
2. Must love to have fun. If you only like to work your score over or something like that, this squad isn't for you.
3. Have fun.
Things that would make you feel at home in the squad: 1. Loving the Jug, P39, P38, and P51
2. Likes to fly squad fighter sweeps
Regarding FSO:
We do FSO, but not as the 40th Fighter Squadron. Instead, we fly with the 880 Squadron Air Fleet Arm.

40thPlus CO 40th FS