Ever wish that pony had Hispano's? or the zeke was a little faster? Here is your chance!
Use your favorite sim with self-design capabilities (Xplane, MSFS, etc) to build your dream WW2 plane.
1. Aircraft must be built using parts and technology available in the 1940-1944 time period (44 so that the aircraft has time to actually see combat)
2. Aircraft must be designed so service would be easy for ground crews. Remember this is a COMBAT Aircraft, so you can expect battle damage, etc.
3. Aircraft must have accurate weight. This CAN be an estimate but must be based upon, and backed up by, research documents on aircraft of similar design and performance capabilites.
4. Aircraft must be constructed of materials available during the time period stated above. that means NO composites, etc.
5. Aircraft must be fighter-centric, but with a secondary air to ground role. Must be able to carry at least 1500 lbs external ordinance.
6. Aircraft must have a minimum of a 30 minute "range"
7. Aircraft is to be a single seat.
Flight Test:
I am listing here the performance data upon which the aircraft will be judged. If Widewing or one of our other "flight test" gurus could chime in on the methods of performing these tests, and/or any additional tests that would be desireable, that would be outstanding.
1. Max Level Speed
2. Max Endurance Speed
3. Range (combat radius)
4. Roll Rate @ 75% max speed (degrees per second)
5. Turn radius @ best corner speed
6. Turn Rate @ best corner speed
7. E-retention during zoom climb
8. CLimb Rate
9. Max attainable speed in dive with no compressability issues.
again, ill be glad to entertain thoughts on other flight tests needed, though I reserve the right to apporve or disaprove suggestions.
You are encouraged to reply with additional rules if you think of any, this is jsut a preliminary draft. I will update this post with rules as they are added/decided upon. Keep in mind, this is my idea, so I reserve the right for final judgement on any proposed rulemaking.
Aircraft will be judged in 2 categories.
1. Pure Performance
2. Appearance (as we all know as airplane buffs, appearance counts for a lot!

Prizes? No clue. Maybe just bragging rights? maybe someone has some other idea?