I know when someone sees this type of topic theres always a few who want the visuals that the Game Engine may not be designed for. That being said I don't know the design of the Engine either, I didn't write it. However, based upon what I see currently I would tend to think that there is one thing that may be coded that would be nice to see. When our rounds make contact with an object be it a Ground Vehicle, PT boat, Aircraft, or Field Objects we are rewarded with a "Hit Sprite". It's nice to know we are hitting our target but, did we do damage? When we see parts fall off and smoke billowing yes we did damage but there can be damage done with no visual indications, Such is the case with ground targets, and some parts of the AC. My point is that a "Ricochet Sprite" would be nice, this sprite would be displayed when we hit our target but inflict no damage.
I'm not suggesting an elaborate "eye-candy" system that would stretch the limits of the game or the Mental Faculties of the staff to a point of delirium. Rather a small visual (may not be a small coding feat) addition to better allow us to more effectivly judge our situation in combat.
What do you think? I'm not asking for the moon am I?