Author Topic: Your new gun law idea  (Read 1762 times)

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2008, 12:58:15 PM » proposal in this thread.   :aok OH, and I'll go ya one further...the government should provide the funds for the purchase of a gun, for those that can't afford one.   :)

Thats what I'm Talking about <<S>>

Offline ColSuave

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2008, 01:26:03 PM »
I think a law, that states every one is mandatory to own a gun, and take lessons on how to use them.

there would be way less crime if the crimanals knew that every one had a gun.

I disagee, all that is gonna do is cause confusion when something does happen, because everybody and their brother is gonna dive for their government supplied firearm to be Mr. Hero when something happens, and there will be firefights erupting everywhere.
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Offline mtnman

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2008, 02:45:45 PM »
I disagee, all that is gonna do is cause confusion when something does happen, because everybody and their brother is gonna dive for their government supplied firearm to be Mr. Hero when something happens, and there will be firefights erupting everywhere.

Hmmm, I almost think there may be some historical information to base the result of a law like this on.  If I remember correctly, at one point it was mandatory for all males over such and such age to own and remain proficient in a weapon for the safety of the country.  Again, if my memory serves, it was England, and the weapon was the longbow.  I'm not sure if it resulted in any heroic stck and string fights.

Anyone remember this?  Have more specific info?  I seem to remember as well that long term use resulted in damage/deformation to the arm bones and maybe even the spine.

I think this came about sometime after the french(?) invented the balliste, which was a weapon of such magnitude it was believed that fear of it would end all warfare.

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2008, 02:49:30 PM »
In Wisconsin, the gun owner is lawfully responsible for anything done by a minor with that firearm.  Even having the minor display the firearm to a friend is a crime that the parent/owner is punishable for.

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2008, 02:53:20 PM »
In Wisconsin, the gun owner is lawfully responsible for anything done by a minor with that firearm.  Even having the minor display the firearm to a friend is a crime that the parent/owner is punishable for.

do you know what the crime rate for children in possession of a firearm is per capita in wisconsin? could it be used as a comparison to another area where the ownership of a firearm bears no prescibed responsibilty?


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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2008, 05:50:03 PM »
I have no idea.  I can say I don't recall hearing of any gun crimes committed by children anywhere near here, although I don't pay any real attention to what goes on in the cities.  There are some pretty warped irresponsible people all over though, and they're dangerous regardless of whether or not they have guns, and regardless of what the laws are.  Around here, MOST houses have guns inside.  And the doors aren't locked.  And we leave the keys in the car when we go inside.  The "bad' kids are the ones who drive around with baseball bats and swat at mailboxes, or throw toilet paper in peoples yards.

There are many, many ways that even as gun handlers/owners they're more likely to get in trouble with, get hurt by or with, etc.  I'm more worried about my kids driving, fishing, riding the school bus, working with my power tools, or playing sports than I am about them shooting.  In the end, it's the behavior of the individual that's the deciding factor, not what they have in their hand.  And laws won't stop "bad" people from behaving badly.

As for me, I try to keep my firearms put away, but not necessarily locked away.  I teach my kids how to use guns safely and responsibly, and the "rules" that go along with that.  But more importantly, I teach them some pretty basic rules about how to be a responsible, respectable person, and about being safety conscious in general.  I can honestly say that as a parent the things I'm teaching my kids about guns have very little to do with the legal aspects.  A law-related thing I'd teach would be a situation where responsible handling might also/still be illegal.  An example of that might be packing a firearm away in the vehicle for travel, where it could actually be violating the concealed carry laws.  Sometimes it may actually be safer to violate that law though- for example, if you have a firearm, unloaded, in a case, and need to run into the store or gas station, it may be best to slide it under the seat so it isn't visible.  In general, though, if they act responsibly they won't have any problems with the laws.

I can't be around my kids all the time, so they need to be taught what's acceptable and what isn't so when confronted with life they can (hopefully) make decent decisions.  No quarantee of course, but that's all you can do in the end...

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2008, 06:04:04 PM »
  In the end, it's the behavior of the individual that's the deciding factor, not what they have in their hand.  And laws won't stop "bad" people from behaving badly.

I can't be around my kids all the time, so they need to be taught what's acceptable and what isn't so when confronted with life they can (hopefully) make decent decisions.  No quarantee of course, but that's all you can do in the end...

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2008, 06:34:51 PM »
As far as State laws go, I'd like to see the Peoples Republic of California adopt the same Gun laws that they have in Texas...
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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2008, 06:46:37 PM »
As far as State laws go, I'd like to see the Peoples Republic of California adopt the same Gun laws that they have in Texas...


 :huh  :huh

 :lol  :lol  :lol

 :rofl  :rofl  :rofl  :rofl  :rofl


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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2008, 05:43:21 AM »
Well the days are winding down for 2008 and as the ball is ready to go down, or is it up, then are you ready to name that city with the most homicides for America in 2008? One thing for sure its sure to have draconian gun laws that prevent honest citizens from protecting themselves. Lets guess most overalls and most per 100,000.

Most overall I have to say Chicago. But its a tossup between Chi-Town, Plexicos NYNY, or LA. Politicians in the first two see autumn cold fronts moving in and fall on their knees to thank God cause it will slow the killing. My guess for "most per 100,000" would be my perennial favorite, Detroit.

Take away gangs, gangsters, enforce strict immigration policy, and make everybody white sheep farmers, and I'd bet we'd have a no higher rate then some "nobodys ever been to" "spit across" Island way out in the South Pacific. But this is America. Everyone wants to get here. And everyone has an opinion about.

So whatever you guess I bet the city in question has very strict gun control Laws. In fact all of them will. So whats your guess?
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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #40 on: December 11, 2008, 07:15:21 AM »
The only thing I would want to see here in the States is some system to keep kids from getting family members guns & inadvertently using them on them selves or some other Innocent.

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2008, 08:31:43 AM »
 Looks as there is a bomb\nav failure in this thread and the target is a bit lost. I'll sort throught the messages tommorow and see what laws match!


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Offline Hornet33

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2008, 08:54:03 AM »
One over riding theme these days in regards to gun laws seems to be the classic "what about the children" clause.

Everyone is worried about children getting their hands on guns and doing something stupid with them so we NEED more laws to prevent that from happening. Guess what folks. NO LAW will EVER replace good parenting.

In all the cases where a kid gets ahold of a gun and does something stupid with it i.e. taking it to school and shooting up the place, killing a family member, friend, or themselves, take a real hard look at the enviroment that kid was in. 95% of the time the parents had no clue about what their kid was doing, who they were talking to and hanging out with, what was going on in school, nothing. The parents are oblivious, and then act shocked that something like that could have happened to their kid. These are also the parents that will show up at school and jump down a teachers back because the teacher told their kid he did a bad job on a report or something, yet when the kid gets home the parents don't ask nor care about what homework the kid has and lets them sit in their rooms all night playing x-box and eating hot pockets.

Both of my kids started their firearms training when they turned 8 years old. They both got their first pellet gun on their 8th birthday. They both got their first .22 rifle on their 10th birthday. My son turns 14 this year and he'll be getting a 20 gauge pump action shotgun for his birthday. Those are their weapons. I keep their weapons in my gun safe, but I hold them responsible for cleaning them. Once they turn 18, then it's going to be their responsiblity to store them and take care of them all on their own.

I have no problem with my kids being around firearms because I KNOW they know what they are doing and aren't going to do anything dumb.

Fact is we don't need anymore gun laws.
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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2008, 09:24:41 AM »
One over riding theme these days in regards to gun laws seems to be the classic "what about the children" clause.

Everyone is worried about children getting their hands on guns and doing something stupid with them so we NEED more laws to prevent that from happening. Guess what folks. NO LAW will EVER replace good parenting.

In all the cases where a kid gets ahold of a gun and does something stupid with it i.e. taking it to school and shooting up the place, killing a family member, friend, or themselves, take a real hard look at the enviroment that kid was in. 95% of the time the parents had no clue about what their kid was doing, who they were talking to and hanging out with, what was going on in school, nothing. The parents are oblivious, and then act shocked that something like that could have happened to their kid. These are also the parents that will show up at school and jump down a teachers back because the teacher told their kid he did a bad job on a report or something, yet when the kid gets home the parents don't ask nor care about what homework the kid has and lets them sit in their rooms all night playing x-box and eating hot pockets.

Both of my kids started their firearms training when they turned 8 years old. They both got their first pellet gun on their 8th birthday. They both got their first .22 rifle on their 10th birthday. My son turns 14 this year and he'll be getting a 20 gauge pump action shotgun for his birthday. Those are their weapons. I keep their weapons in my gun safe, but I hold them responsible for cleaning them. Once they turn 18, then it's going to be their responsiblity to store them and take care of them all on their own.

I have no problem with my kids being around firearms because I KNOW they know what they are doing and aren't going to do anything dumb.

Fact is we don't need anymore gun laws.

my comment about the columbine kids wasn't aimed at saing there's more laws needed. it was aimed at what you said above.....AND that those parents also had their guns easily avaliable.

hell.......i WANT people to be able to responsibly own, and keep as many guns as they like. they're the ones that're gonna be of help to those of us that don't have any. i spend my money on silly crap like archery, r/c models, my PPL, and keeping my shop afloat. nothing left over for a handgun...and top that off with the lack of time to keep meself profiecient, it's beter off i don;t have one.
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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2008, 12:13:11 PM »
One over riding theme these days in regards to gun laws seems to be the classic "what about the children" clause.

Everyone is worried about children getting their hands on guns and doing something stupid with them so we NEED more laws to prevent that from happening. Guess what folks. NO LAW will EVER replace good parenting.

In all the cases where a kid gets ahold of a gun and does something stupid with it i.e. taking it to school and shooting up the place, killing a family member, friend, or themselves, take a real hard look at the enviroment that kid was in. 95% of the time the parents had no clue about what their kid was doing, who they were talking to and hanging out with, what was going on in school, nothing. The parents are oblivious, and then act shocked that something like that could have happened to their kid. These are also the parents that will show up at school and jump down a teachers back because the teacher told their kid he did a bad job on a report or something, yet when the kid gets home the parents don't ask nor care about what homework the kid has and lets them sit in their rooms all night playing x-box and eating hot pockets.

Both of my kids started their firearms training when they turned 8 years old. They both got their first pellet gun on their 8th birthday. They both got their first .22 rifle on their 10th birthday. My son turns 14 this year and he'll be getting a 20 gauge pump action shotgun for his birthday. Those are their weapons. I keep their weapons in my gun safe, but I hold them responsible for cleaning them. Once they turn 18, then it's going to be their responsiblity to store them and take care of them all on their own.

I have no problem with my kids being around firearms because I KNOW they know what they are doing and aren't going to do anything dumb.

Fact is we don't need anymore gun laws.
I never said in my post anything about laws. A system for it not to happen is what I was talking about. In your case it works & maybe others should follow your lead.