Author Topic: Switching Countries  (Read 1734 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2008, 04:56:07 PM »
I have now problem with your reasoning for switching sides, but I have to wonder since we have ENY which was put in place buy HTC to solve the problem you are talking about, why do you and other squads finding it necessary to do this. :noid

As far as the time limit goes if you are incline to switch countries for the day the week or month this time limit should not matter to you, now as far as the people who do this to gain a unfair advantage over the other countries and that is what this is all about and would most likely have a problem with the time limit. Now if anybody doesn't have a problem with people doing this type of game play then why don't you PM someone in the other country and let them know when you are going to attack, or a mission objective so on it is basically the same thing. :salute

Let's see.   I will wing CH's or III/JG2 in Knightland.  I'll wing the False Prophets, BoP's and The Flying Circus in Bishopville.  After 6.5 years of playing, I get more satisfaction out of occasionally winging some of the folks who shoot me down.   

Ask any of the above squads if I PM them.   I mainly fly Rook and don't give a damn about "country loyalty".   Only time I WILL pass along info via PM, is if TT is being taken to ruin the fun for others.   

As for the "zOMFG you're a SPI!!!" paranoia of which you speak, you're so far out in left field, you might as well sit down and eat the Ball Park Frank you bought.   
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Offline bongaroo

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2008, 05:32:11 PM »
Don't forget 143 in bishopland!  TSM and Killuminati always have fun when you pop on channel (no matter what that frog guy says.)


ENY gives players the choice to either stay where they are and take the penalty, or switch sides.  ENY is just the incentive for players to balance the arena...players switching countries is what actually does the balancing.

I have switched countries to balance the arena before there was such a thing as a country balancing system, and the country change time limit was 6 hours.  The arena numbers would change, but I would be stuck where I was for another 4 hours.  It was even worse when the limit was 12 hours.  Like I said, it's counter productive to country balancing.

Dynamic caps have nothing to do with country balancing.

The floating arena population cap has nothing to do with attempting to balance the population numbers of each country, that's what the ENY tries to attempt.  While ENY does help, it can't do the job completely because ultimately it is the player's decision to switch to even things up or not.


And this covers some other questions voiced.  The reasons for NOT changing the time limit between country changes far outweigh fears of spybois ruining misshuns; which seems to always be what these threads are really about.

I have wondered why we couldn't have more options in the lobby.  For example, each arena has the option to join rook, bish, or knight depending on how many are on one team.  

Late War Orange--Rooks-100/100

This way you could see from the lobby which side needs more numbers.  I guess this would be a problem with people logging out in order to change countries, but if it were regulated, it might be a way to help with arena caps, also.

I find this idea interesting.  Flesh it out and make a fresh wishlist post maybe?
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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2008, 05:42:09 PM »

I find this idea interesting.  Flesh it out and make a fresh wishlist post maybe?

Yeah, I realized it could be construed as a hijack after I posted it.
Amazing you could actually recruit that much suck into one squad.
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Offline Selino631

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2008, 05:57:16 PM »
I think it would be better to have anyone AFK longer then 20min to be kicked into the lobby. Half of the rook nation is AFK all the time!
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2008, 11:39:29 AM »
I think it would be better to have anyone AFK longer then 20min to be kicked into the lobby. Half of the rook nation is AFK on the bish side all the time!

 :noid   :rofl

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2008, 12:42:01 PM »
Once again I have no problem with your choice of changing countries (IE: To Help Balance the numbers, if that your intent), but ENY does make a big impact on the dominant country ability to attack and if lets say 25 of you like minded members change to the lower populated country of which is enjoying a low ENY until you showed up (of course it depends on the total numbers on line across all three countries), "keep in mind this just a example", now that counties ENY either goes up or the dominant countries goes down which now counters the purpose of the ENY and gives the dominant country the ability to up the more effective planes and vehicles now. So under those circumstances you are not helping as much as you think which is one of your arguments about the time limits, the other point you made is to be able to fly with a friend that's in a different country or something to that effect of course a few people doing that is not going have any great impact to anyone and once again I don't have any problem with that either. So increasing the time to whatever amount above what it is now may help more than you think lets say 2-hours.

Now I see their has been a reference to spying, well that is not where I'm coming from, I was talking about people do this to game the game and everybody has seen or had some type of interaction with this type of player, most of the people in this game achieve their skills and objectives without having to stoop to that level of game play, you are not who I'm talking about and it is unfortunate that some ruin it for the others.

I also would like to say that the people that do this with the best intentions (I take my hat off to you fellows), but this is still not the same as a nonbias automatic function of the game such as ENY.   

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Offline bongaroo

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2008, 12:54:23 PM »
Once again I have no problem with your choice of changing countries (IE: To Help Balance the numbers, if that your intent), but ENY does make a big impact on the dominant country ability to attack and if lets say 25 of you like minded members change to the lower populated country of which is enjoying a low ENY until you showed up (of course it depends on the total numbers on line across all three countries), "keep in mind this just a example", now that counties ENY either goes up or the dominant countries goes down which now counters the purpose of the ENY and gives the dominant country the ability to up the more effective planes and vehicles now. So under those circumstances you are not helping as much as you think which is one of your arguments about the time limits, the other point you made is to be able to fly with a friend that's in a different country or something to that effect of course a few people doing that is not going have any great impact to anyone and once again I don't have any problem with that either. So increasing the time to whatever amount above what it is now may help more than you think lets say 2-hours.

Now I see their has been a reference to spying, well that is not where I'm coming from, I was talking about people do this to game the game and everybody has seen or had some type of interaction with this type of player, most of the people in this game achieve their skills and objectives without having to stoop to that level of game play, you are not who I'm talking about and it is unfortunate that some ruin it for the others.

I also would like to say that the people that do this with the best intentions (I take my hat off to you fellows), but this is still not the same as a nonbias automatic function of the game such as ENY.   

So is ENY in place to just keep everyone on the chess piece they normally fly albeit with a possibility of not flying the late war rides?  Or is it to encourage players to even up the teams?

It is a combination of both but I think your way of thinking would be detrimental to many players.  If I had to wait longer than I do now to switch sides by at least another hour or more as some have suggested, I'd seriously consider canceling my account. 

Further, how are people "gameing the game" by switching countries.  If you aren't referring to people messing with cv's or giving away NOE misshuns (both examples of spies work), than what are you meaning?

I'd also argue that I am not in fact hurting the team with low ENY by switching to their side.  I'm sure they'd love the help as fighting a horde of higher ENY birds is just the same as fighting a horde of low ENY birds.  A horde is a horde.  They aren't beating you with their better planes, they are just overwhelming with numbers.

Don't punish people who can make friends on all the countries because you can't or refuse to try.
Callsign: Bongaroo
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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2008, 01:16:25 PM »
I think the hour time limit is to long, I was flying at TT the other day, and all of a sudden the green guys way out numbered the red guys, so I switched to the side that we where hoarding, for about 30 min. it was cool then the tide changed again and we where the hoard again, I would have switched back to fight the hourd, but my time limit was not up yet, I really hate having to fight green guys to get my killz, so looking around there where no major red dars, so I went to the other arena, hoping for a better fight there.


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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2008, 01:21:11 PM »
So is ENY in place to just keep everyone on the chess piece they normally fly albeit with a possibility of not flying the late war rides?  Or is it to encourage players to even up the teams?

It is a combination of both but I think your way of thinking would be detrimental to many players.  If I had to wait longer than I do now to switch sides by at least another hour or more as some have suggested, I'd seriously consider canceling my account. 

Further, how are people "gameing the game" by switching countries.  If you aren't referring to people messing with cv's or giving away NOE misshuns (both examples of spies work), than what are you meaning?

I'd also argue that I am not in fact hurting the team with low ENY by switching to their side.  I'm sure they'd love the help as fighting a horde of higher ENY birds is just the same as fighting a horde of low ENY birds.  A horde is a horde.  They aren't beating you with their better planes, they are just overwhelming with numbers.

Don't punish people who can make friends on all the countries because you can't or refuse to try.

Like I said I have no problem with switching sides to fly with friends, and apparently you haven't been on long enough to see massive side switching taking place, and that what this really gets down to and the fact of you changing sides to help well more power to you, but I'm sure you are not equal to 5 or 10 player in any country so stop try give me that line it doesn't cut it slick, or maybe you just the type of player I was talking about.
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Offline bongaroo

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2008, 01:36:40 PM »
I've played more than my forum account would indicate, "slick".

Callsign: Bongaroo
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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2008, 01:56:29 PM »
Once again I have no problem with your choice of changing countries (IE: To Help Balance the numbers, if that your intent), but ENY does make a big impact on the dominant country ability to attack and if lets say 25 of you like minded members change to the lower populated country of which is enjoying a low ENY until you showed up (of course it depends on the total numbers on line across all three countries), "keep in mind this just a example", now that counties ENY either goes up or the dominant countries goes down which now counters the purpose of the ENY and gives the dominant country the ability to up the more effective planes and vehicles now. So under those circumstances you are not helping as much as you think which is one of your arguments about the time limits,

You don't seem to be getting the concept of the country balancer.  Taking your example, let's say the countries are 125/100/75.  The 'dominant' country is up by 50 players over the small country.  "25 of you like minded members change to the lower populated country"  The net result would be 100/100/100.  Hence no imbalance, no 'dominant' country, hence no reason for ENY limits.  Out of 300 players, it only took 25 players to correct a 50 player disparity between sides.  It works exactly as it's supposed to.

I also would like to say that the people that do this with the best intentions (I take my hat off to you fellows), but this is still not the same as a nonbias automatic function of the game such as ENY.

Ugg, you're not getting what the country balancer (what you call ENY) is about.  Here is the design specification for the balancer:

Try come up with an idea that does the following.

1. Moves people to the other side.

This is the basic issue, I have herd lots of ideas but most that I have seen are always made to "Not impact me". So they were basicly saying for this small penalty I still won't change countries and still get to fly the way I want. Well that dosn't acomplish the thing you agreed needed to be solved.


Offline Bronk

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2008, 03:21:07 PM »
LOL now an ENY whine.

ENY ...The gift that keeps on giving. :aok
See Rule #4

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2008, 03:37:39 PM »
LOL now an ENY whine.

ENY ...The gift that keeps on giving. :aok

It's the Energizer Bunny of keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going....

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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2008, 03:40:03 PM »
You don't seem to be getting the concept of the country balancer.  Taking your example, let's say the countries are 125/100/75.  The 'dominant' country is up by 50 players over the small country.  "25 of you like minded members change to the lower populated country"  The net result would be 100/100/100.  Hence no imbalance, no 'dominant' country, hence no reason for ENY limits.  Out of 300 players, it only took 25 players to correct a 50 player disparity between sides.  It works exactly as it's supposed to.

Ugg, you're not getting what the country balancer (what you call ENY) is about.  Here is the design specification for the balancer:

I understand what you are saying when the numbers come out that way. I guess my take would be this if multiple squads are working towards a goal which is winning a particular map (it is designed into the game) then why should we or would we suddenly switch sides to undo what we may have worked at for hours or more to achieve. I have grown to appreciate ENY and your right a total solution I do not have and I think that it may not be achievable. As many of us had seen when any one country dominates and is about to win the map for the most part the loosing countries members tend to log out or move to other Arena's which will increase the offset making the balance even worse, this I don't think can be controlled.

To touch on the queston posed (Moving people to the other side) lets take a positive look at it, a volunteer program allow any squad to become a balancing squad they could receive maybe a "slightly higher perk value for their kills" or something along that line, they submit into a post to be granted this honor of course it would come with certain ethics to abide by as part of this, if you use whole squads to join then members of that squad would be acting for the squad when moving to other countries for the purpose of balancing, HT can pick what squads would eligible and post what it would take to make your squad qualify to be given this recognition and privilege by HT.  
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Re: Switching Countries
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2008, 04:01:24 PM »
LOL now an ENY whine.

ENY ...The gift that keeps on giving. :aok

Where did I whine about ENY try reading.
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