Last night (15-16) stayed up all night studying for my chem final, I consumed 2 small redbulls, 1 medium redbull, 2 large redbulls, 1redbull cola, and 1 monster erergy drink. Stayed up till 10am right throught the end of my final.
Consumed: 72 ounces of energy drink, roughly 700 mg of caffine in around 6 hours.
I got 2 hours of sleep after the final then woke up to keep studying
This night (16-17) I am staying up all night writing my History paper and studying for history and political science. I have consumed 2 small redbulls, 1 medium redbull, 1 5 hour energy, and am currently working on 1 large redbull, I have 2 monster energy drinks at the ready. I plan on trying to catch a nap around noon, then waking up for the final at 3, or possibly pushing through to the test.
If all is drank I will have consumed: 74 ounces of energy drink, and roughly 850mg of caffeine in arround 10 hours
PS: the 16th was my birthday, and i speant it all awake and studying...lame
I am doing it for the grades, but I am currious about at what level caffeine becomes dangerous, any doctors in the house?