Author Topic: Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc  (Read 385 times)

Offline LePaul

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2001, 08:57:00 PM »

Read my mind!  Of all the buffs, ONLY the Lancaster looses its guns to damage!  I havent ever had that happen in a B17 or B26.  The Ju88, well, once the shooting starts, there usually isnt a Ju88 left   :)

Offline Blue Mako

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2001, 10:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by iculus:
If you're putting in a "sustained" burst, you're attacking from the dead 6 position.  Bad spot... even worse if you are at convergence (300yrds).  You should have broken off that attack long ago.

You don't hear all the pings... 1-2 pings could represent many hits.

A bomber is a big plane... a mustang, or any fighter, is a small plane.  It's easier to bring you down.

Planes without cannons aren't for buff busting.  MG's won't do much to a bomber unless you get a mess of rounds into something critical.

Negative on sitting on the buffs 6.  I have been hit while doing slashing attacks from above and in front of bombers.  One lucky ping and the house of cards collapses.  If the buff guns weren't augmented then that wouldn't happen.  I dont mind getting killed if I do something stupid, but I do mind getting killed by an augmented system.

Check my stats.  I've killed more B17s than anything else this tour so far.  I can consistently down most buffs in the game if I take my time and all bar one are with the D pony.

I just think that the firepower of the buff guns should be equivalent to the guns on the fighters.

My $0.02

Offline Urchin

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2001, 10:19:00 PM »
Yea, I do that as well.  I don't EVER "sit" on the Buff's 6.  All it takes is passing behind the tail off the buff at something less than pointblank range and you are pretty much screwed.

Offline gatt

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2001, 12:51:00 AM »
Everybody know that buff's guns have a different lethality, range, dispersion and bullet size. This is a game's feature. Like the M3-M16 toughness, the Hispanos anti-armor capability and the laser-ack.

Live with it. The game is still good, probably the best around.
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Offline dracken1

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2001, 07:04:00 AM »
in the ma i almost always fly a buff.and i agree with a lot of what is said above from both sides when i fly a lanc a quick burst from a fighter almost always takes out the rear a 17 it seems to be the belly turret a 26 i cant remember the last time i lost any a ju88 i never lose a gun,just the plane around them.tbm upper gun almost always gives up.i would like to see quad 303's in the lanc as the ammo amount is very low.where as a 26 has loads of ammo for it's tail turret.i dont think that you should only be capable of firing the turret you are in every turet that could bear would have fired on you.

Offline LePaul

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2001, 10:39:00 AM »
One thing I haven't seen noted, and I do not know if this is modeled...but the imapct of flying INTO a buffs guns is certainly going to do a bit more damage...I mean, I'm no phsyics guru but it would seem you have the energy of the round fired, plus the momentum of the aircrafts speed INTO that.  Follow?

Good points, all.  The B17 seems to be guilty of being the incredible ack star, while the Lancaster leads the pack in loosing either guns to damage or running out of ammo fast.  

Ju88s just run out of airplane  :)  

As to B26s, I always seem to loose an engine, and at altitude, the B26 cant fly it on one engine, so its always a long descent back for home.  

TBMs, well, that bird always looses a chunk of the wing (usually the left wing) and starts doing to wing dropping similar to the F6Fs, from my experience.

Arados have little Jesus Statues on the dash for buff pilots to pat, and hope the cons cant gain on you   :)

Offline Tozza

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2001, 02:25:00 PM »
In response to the "tiny noodle" comment near the top.I regulally fly both the Lancaster and the B17 and my noodle is in excess of 10 inches tho,admittedly,my balls are like peas in a pod.

Offline hitech

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2001, 02:42:00 PM »
LePaul Not exactly the bullet is going slower do to the plane that it is shot from is moving ahead. If both planes are going the same speed it is very close to the same impact vel. The one thing that does make a different is do to the Vel of the bullet moving slower relative to the air it will actuly slow down less when shooting back and have a higher impact vel relative to the target.


Offline Steven

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2001, 04:35:00 PM »
So let's say (and my example is a great exageration) that a bullet travels 500mph and so if you get a buff moving at 500mph the bullet fired back will not travel any distance?

I thought I once heard that when the player fires in his turret that other turrets on the bomber automatically fire as well if the enemy plane is within its field of view too.  If this is true, this would mean that you may be being fired on by more than one turret.  Can someone let me know if I heard wrong?

Also, is it a game design that restricts more than one gunner on a crew or is it a gameplay decision?  

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Offline SKurj

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2001, 08:53:00 AM »
i've lost gun positions in 17, as many as 3 in one pass.


Offline loser

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2001, 09:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by Tac:
kinda funny the only plane with TWO .50 cals has the same turbolaser effect as the ones that can buggily point 8 .50's at you.

Buff guns not hit harder than normal 2X .50's? hehe, try killing something in a bpony using the inner wing guns only, itl take you a LOOONG burts, even on a HO. Try them on a buff. 1-2 pings, con goes pops open.

Ironically, HT said the .50's have twice the dispersion they should have. I know how this will affect fighter's guns.. but how will it affect buff guns?

tac are you drunk?


Offline hitech

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2001, 02:05:00 PM »

So let's say (and my example is a great exageration) that a bullet travels 500mph and so if you get a buff moving at 500mph the bullet fired back will not travel any distance?

Exactly: It will be come out of the barrel and have 0 vel relative to the air, it will have a 500 mph vel relative to the plane. Now lets say another plane is right behind that buff doing 500 Mph also. The plane will hit that bullet at 500 mph.

If both planes were standing on the ground the bullet would be slowing down as it travled the distance and impacts the plane behind at less than 500 mph.


Offline Karnak

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2001, 05:46:00 PM »
If the Lanc has twin 50mm cannon in the tail, please do something about the C.205's damage model.

I hit a C.205 with 8 of those 50mm rounds and it had no effect.  I'd hate to shoot at it with normal guns like fighters have.

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Offline elstevie

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2001, 04:52:00 PM »
Did he say 50mm? HOLY COW!! That explains it then.  :eek:

Offline iculus

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Tone down the twin 50mm cannon in Lanc
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2001, 08:24:00 PM »
HT, you forgot about the bullet just falling down :D