Author Topic: Film Viewer Camera Shots Tutorial  (Read 1988 times)

Offline Forker

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Re: Film Viewer Camera Shots Tutorial
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2009, 08:46:36 PM »
I made this film after watching this tutorial. It was really helpful, THANKS!   :salute
download it for full quality

Nice, well worth the 12 min+ download wait. (for me)

<S> Well Done

Lord, help me to be the kind of man my dog thinks I am.

Offline kculon

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Re: Film Viewer Camera Shots Tutorial
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2009, 12:29:27 PM »
Thanks for the Tutorial. Helped a bit getting my head around the viewer and shot box.
I encountered more than a few problems while making my films.
Came up with a couple fixes too.
When using Fraps for my matrix shots I got stutters, or tearing of foreground/background objects.
Trying to capture, using fraps at 720p was a mess. I could capture, but the footage was unusable.
After may attempts I gave up on using fraps for anything but my 180* shot.

I found that if the shot I wanted, (and edited in the shot box) was much longer than the shot I setup, the render would crash ala krusty's problem.
(Shot editing on a file a minute or longer vs 10 second file)
So I grab just a little before and after the action I want, save it as a new file, then edit my shot using the small file I get fewer render crashes.

I was unable to get the camera to move in the "Y" using World Pointing. Only "X" & "Z"

I was unable to zoom in close enough on the fixed position camera shots(shot box).

In my opinion the camera controls are ridiculous. All those numbers to edit by hand, nasty!
The camera controls need to rounded off, or have slider controls, or something better I have not thought of.
On every shot in my last film I had to clean up the camera position numbers to find the place that would move the camera, just a little in the direction I wanted. Needless to say it took a while to get the shots I wanted, then half of them crashed on render for one reason or another.

Now granted, I may have a few problems on my machine, but after making 2 short AH films I won't make any more unless the film viewer is fixed up a bit. I mean it runs and feels like a half done beta or something. I know the main focus of development is the game it's self, but the film viewer needs some major help to be easy, fast, and fun to use.
I would love to make a 5 minute film with a storyline using the style of my other 2 films, but no way with the viewer in the shape it's in now.
WAY too frustrating.
Happy Filming,