I agree, big time.
I dont think there is ANYONE who will not agree that the desert tan of the Pzr IV and Tiger stick out something fierce as compared to the Firefly, T34/75, T34/85, etc.
Wether it is the German gray, or an SS green flectarn/splotch, or a brown... anything but the glowing tan. I was in a Bf109G-14 the entire FSO last night and everytime I went low to spot for our gv's, (icons aside) it was quite obvious where the Tigers and Pzr IV's were and even though I could see the red icon of the Firefly, I couldnt see them most of the time. The colors are almost too matching (the dark green for ground foilage and the Firefly's paint). That is one of the things about the Firfly that make it superior to the Tiger in this sim: the Tiger can be picked out and seen much further away.
Please remove the handicap from the Tiger and Pzr IV.