It's your rules, and you have to enforce them. But my question is, why is the age and K/D requirement so high. (Not so much the K/D part).

Hi Amaazee,
average deucers age is around 40, most got family and childs. Education in the evening hours is not on our minds, we don't wanna think about age if we tell stories to each other on TS
The KD is low in my opinion, we LD started with KD 2, Loose Deuce KD average in MA is around ~2.5
I set this level to create squadron were pilots with above average skills stick together. I worked once as trainer for a couple of years, i know it need a lot of training to become the right timing when fighting in wingformations. I would say you need minimum 2 years of online flying to learn how you have to change your engangements and getting in sync with a group of others fighters