~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~ 2 Years Anniversary
and we wouldn't be here without the community

The 32 Pilots of ~<<~ Loose Deuce ~>>~ 2010
4brkfast, 8Spade, Alaskn, Barbie
boo, Borgoo, Chewi, dstrip2
dtrip, Ghostie, Gunhog, gunner
KaZaN, Kazzzz, KC, killert5
MajROlds, MrRiplEy, MrRulo, NTrudr
Save, schu, Shrade, Silent6
Tarts, Tallboy, Tiag, TexMurph
trogdor, Zebrator
CO dhyran ~ XO gathoo
Dear ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~ Members, thanks for haveing such a great time!
Just 2 Years, not much, but very intense!
Let me say thanks for:
being allways a great wingman,doing the drag, the rolling rrrrr,
the italian way, damn blind swede, british humor, US hotshots, german beer, polish skins
php scripts, pink slipper black leather, the high cover, welcome to sunny Stalingrad, lube and shame,
having great times at the SEC, winning the SDL Season 1, asking the Goldfish, switching of RDR,
pushing it, great team spirit, i don't know you but i don't like you,
Chocklate Fingers, this was not a landing this was an arriving!
I can do that shot!!!!, F$%"$% I colided,for being No 1 in Fighter kill Points since 16 Month,
don’t dogfight an 109 with your A20 when IN formation
Be gentle, I´m a lady,
And let me say, there much more years to come
hold on Deucers!
CO dhyran