The 457Th BG (formally the 456Th) Is ****RECRUITING****. We are a Group of Dedicated B-17/Jug Pilots that Enjoy Bombing/ Close air Support. We where formed 4 days ago and only have 2 members (I know its
). Here is Info on the squadron.
The Real Deal We are dedicated to the Brave Men That flew the Mighty B-17.
Vox/CommunicationsWe are on vox 152 Rooks and
We do not use Teamspeak. Microphones are not a Must and Personally i don't have one. We do not use vox 200 and please don't Cuss on vox
RecruitmentWe are currently Looking for a TO, XO, and Operations Officers. We need 3 More XOs and we need a TO ASAP. If you have all of these Requirements You are good to join if you wish:
#1. Be Mature
#2. Enjoy the B-17/Jug
#3. Be able to put 457 in front of a Name i give you.
Each recruit will be given a 2 week Time to decide if they like the squadron or not. Then You will be Awarded your 457 name once you enjoy the Squadron. We also need 1 more type of Officer- BBS Recruiting Officer able to Post Pics of the 457Th in Combat.
Squad Meeting/TimesSquadron Meetings are 6:30 Central on Fridays. Squadron training Session is 7:30 Central on Fridays.
We are always looking for B-17 Zealots to join And Jug Guys as well. We fly Rook and are on vox 152.
Hit'em Good Rooks!
P.S. My In-Game ID is 457Falc